The schools they will take umtempo to make the adequacy of these new technologies. With new tantalinguagem, a certain unreliability is common. Still it finds-semuita resistance, mainly on the part of the professors, cujagerao not ‘ ‘ plugada’ was born; ‘. Many exactly arrive desistirescondendo itself behind traditional ‘ ‘ cuspe and giz’ ‘. It is important umacapacitao of the faculty so that the fears, the unreliability eoutros factors do not hinder to fulfill them its mission of educator. However, this does not come happening. It is common public eminstituies, closed laboratories of computer science porfalta of qualification pedagogical technique and. What it could be umaliado turns field conflicts and, the machines are abandoned.
The figure of alunotambm suffers modification. It dominates the technology better and to podeser a partner of the professor in the exchanges of experiences. Over all, many times, this pupil can present itself arrogant and presumptuous. Professors and queas pupils must join themselves to take off optimum advantage TIC can to offer. Aoprofessor fits the aid in the analysis and synthesis of the information; aconfrontao between the materials (it has products multimedia that we pedagogically sopssimos and others that are excellent, but malaproveitados); to alert on the credibility of the consultation sources, among others. It leaves of being umtransmissor to know and becomes a mediator and facilitador daaprendizagem. Already of the pupil, bigger responsibility in ‘ expects; ‘ aprender’ ‘.
To prevent situaesonde is considered that, from the moment where if it knows umamquina can be transformed it into pedagogical tool and everything que produced by the technology generates original products very, prudente. What verdadeiramente important it is to use to advantage the TIC to awake ogosto and the pleasure to learn. 3. Conclusion Is certain that the TICpodem to be allied if we want a democratic education and decisivana construction of the citizenship. In these questions, oprofessor appears as focus, therefore its generation is not toacostumada with the new technologies. It needs well to be trained ecapacitado, in case that contrary, is discouraged and feels itself impotent. Overwhelming, he finishes not giving to account it its paper, already tosobrecarregado for external factors: extenuante hours of working, low wage, violence (Brazilian reality). With umarevitalizao of the faculty and renewed credibility nasociedade, the professor can be one ‘ ‘ spring mestra’ ‘ of the novastecnologias the service of the education. These, undeniably vierampara to enrich and to cheer academic environments. But we do not nosesqueamos of Brazil and its deep inaqualities. This still para few (for how much time). 4. RefernciasBibliogrficas KAWAMURA, L. New technologies and education. So Paulo: It stokes, 1990. IT HISSES, Jose Maria of, SILVEIRA, Emerson Sena.Apresentaode Academic Works.