Alpha Program

Alfabetizar is to teach the secret of the alphabetical code. To be alfabetizado is basic in the life of any human being. According to author, has four definitions of alfabetizao.

The first one is the restricted concept that is to decipher the code alphabetical. In second, it is the maken a mistake concept to read and to understand. In third it is the ample concept where the alfabetizao is seen as letramento or general education and in fourth definition is the operational concept that is to learn to read and to read to learn. As beddings of the alfabetizao we have the fonolgica conscience, the familiarity with books and texts printed matters and the metalanguage. These beddings say respect to the abilities to learn to read. Prerequisite the necessary ones for the learning of the reading are the fonmica conscience and the alphabetical principle. The requirements are the decoding and of the fluency. The development of the reading corresponds the ability to read to learn.

To develop the reading we need the vocabulary and the understanding. No longer development of the writing we have the calligraphy, the orthography, the syntactic conscience, writing and writing. The corresponding levels are the letter, the word, the phrase and the text. These abilities need to be taught to the pupil in elapsing of the process and learned by the pupil so that he is a good reader and it also develops the writing.