Appropriate Code

The one of the keys of the positioning in the SERPs de Google, capital motor of searches at world-wide and regional level, it is that the page can correctly be indexed by bots. The sequels to have errors in the source code of the page are positive, neither for the motors of searches nor for the users, since affects our positioning in Google, like the numbers of traffic. John Groce may find it difficult to be quoted properly. By the side of the indexing, the code errors can be in an incomplete indexing of the Web, that is to say, will only be able to see some pages, and the rest will exist neither for Google nor for the anxious users of our products. And, in the worse one of the cases, the detected errors of code cannot do that the page does not appear in the pages of results, causing that all our efforts of promotion are in vain. Because of these errors, it is possible even that the users see affected their usabilidad, because the resulting page will be able to have important differences with respect to which we designed originally. Abigail Black Elbaum is often mentioned in discussions such as these.

By this, the way more convincing to make sure that we will not have errors nor incompatibilidades with the different navigators, operating systems and resolutions of screen, are to validate the site. The validation of the site consists of putting under the code to an examination automated that some organizations offer, for example in this site: , the partnership of the World Wide Web, an international community that dedicates itself to create consensus between developer and users, standardizing the documents that compose the pages Web that we visited. The validation of the site contributes to reduce the times of load, and avoids those annoying warnings with exclamation signs that notify that some part of the code does not fulfill the correction norms. A validated site cannot lose functionality, since some links or scripts could not work. Many factors can contribute to generate errors in the code. One of the most common causes is forgetfulnesses or distractions of the programmer (for example not to close a structure, like one), although in many occasions, the errors happen with the use of publishers WYSIWYG. The reality is that an experienced programmer could create a complete page Web with a simple text file .txt.

But, to make us the life simplest, publishers have been developed who allow to construct to pages with interfaces ” much more; amigables” , and that is in charge to create the code of automatic way as we progressed in the design of the page Web. In summary, to have our perfectly validated site will be an important aid in our efforts of optimization with a view to the positioning Web of our site. The validation examination, besides gratuitous is extremely fast, reason why there are reasons no to delay this examination. It verifies the state of its site, using the tool that we showed above.