
– Confidence: So that the people accept their recommendations must manage to obtain their confidence, to work with a feeling and enthusiasm that infect. And for it you have to have an ample knowledge than offers, as far as possible it promotes products that or have proven or in their defect products of which it has realised a rigorous investigation as well as to present/display them of a way which they do not show any type of insecurities of its part. – Harmonious publication: The clarity and the coherence than expose or publish, as well as the form in which it does, is very important; we must obtain a skill in establishing and simplifying what it is said. For example if we want to publish a campaign in a certain account, or they are these of Facebook or Twitter, he is not advisable to use a same account to promote products to thin and books on relations of pairs. Also we must pay attention to that what we promote publications programmed with some software do not only seem, we can program a part but we must also interchange with messages and interventions our daily ones. – The repetition: This trying of which after to see, to often read or to listen to the same we finished accepting it; this it is the simple secret of the propaganda by means of posters, radio or television. He is therefore that he is advisable to use automatic programs like for example SocialOomph, with which we can program great part of our messages in Twitter with total security. – Direction: You must show, to make see that you know than you are speaking, that you are worthy of confidence, that you are only able to present/display information and products to them that really can help them in their lives.

This is managed after to have created confidence in its followers, never before, is why a certain account in social means is not advisable to begin to promote products when initiating. – Perseverar: In the profit than we set out, we must make reach our message the greater amount of possible people, for it the social means are the perfect option, exist thousands of forms to propagate by the network, To look for the results that we hoped and to make changes if they are necessary until it works. The people who accumulate great wealth are people that own a great force of will mixed with persistence and desire, which work until reaching their objectives. If we managed to create harmony in which we do, to share and to transmit constructive attitudes with all the people, surely of which we will be also constructing our own way by a footpath that provided the wealth to us and abundance that we looked for. This it is a subject that has many variants, so many as types of people exist I invite, them to that they leave his commentaries me in blog. If they need major information on this and other subjects marketing them visit I invite me in which they found ample information to unload free. By its greater success. Jorge to Magallanes. Original author and source of the article