Because I tell you, don’t worry said, seeing the commitment that I had gotten. This cyclic movement of our recent history, it’s up now, well, to the era in which you are living, the centrifugal and disgregadora manifestation of the Spanish character. As if the Basques are not more Spanish than anyone, as if we had not contributed more than some others to forge the unity of this people! Well, this divisive movement, he says, can only be a mere temporary situation intervened Tovar. More wanted, Antonio, what else would like to! But our family demons, which do not come from far away, just the Catalan Renaixenca and the revival of early nineteenth century nationalism, while in contrast are very deep. An article I read yours, rector, in that sense contributed Don Fili. If I remember correctly, it must have been in the Sun, Madrid. I’m not glad nothing recognize my premonitory capacity in these matters, but it is that it was very easy.
Already warned me towards 1902 or 1903 this regionalism, as it was called then, was a memez and a danger. Among other things, I prefer me to govern from very far that not from the sidewalk in front. So I do not see the face of the shift boss, nor that endure with their importunities it getting down to the most trivial detail of my life. You will forgive me, gentlemen, but I will take my cafelito said Martin Gaite, with a sweetness and softness that seemed a disruption in any way. That was as a call to the dissolution of the Group: it is that we took too much time talking with you and this is not usual Adares was justified.
Then? Because this means that it has been very nice to stick the strand with you, but that each one must go to their stuff and you, I guess, will have to return to the place from where has been completed the Torrente explanation. I said, annoyed at having to interrupt that magical moment, as Rapture of the senses, in which I had installed without knowing how, or for how long. But, you, will continue here?, you are not dead? That we are clear replied, very seriously, Tovar. That even resurrect is not invented, I know. So we will be dead, as God intended. PE but does not go to heaven, or some similar place, I say? It is not what should be in these cases? Do you know what is the sky, young? Unamuno, asked me with a ren that did not know him. Well not. What does you think, then, that this is not the sky? Or is that you know a site better than the Plaza Mayor to spend the years, he found wonderful people of recent times, and learn from the mistakes themselves and others? If this isn’t heaven of truth that resembles him much. Other than yourself so skeptical or so conventional as it wants to be and pray that someday may come to stay in a place like this. During this second season and brief speech, everyone else had gone disappearing without that I would have noticed. Before me, there were only the two guiding. Then, Unamuno grabbed the arm to Tovar, began to move away slowly with that slow and relaxed riding that had been noted previously and they were chatting among themselves. Already not I could hear more what they said. Original author and source of the article.