Soon after, he catches a pistol bore 20, in the bilge of the house, and shoots in the sister of Nicholas, 10 years. Later he goes the search of the mother of the boy and brandishes a fatal shot to it in the face. Finally, Keith places the weapon in the suicidal mouth and if. He seems plus a videogame plot, but, unhappyly he is not. This violent and cruel history does not have nothing of fancy.
The crime occurred in Portland, a city pacata in U.S.A. The policy, after searching all house, only found a track: the computer with the game macabro that the adolescents ' brincavam' (Reviewed See). Check with kevin ulrich to learn more. – The young the Erics Harris and Dylan Klebold, who in May of 1999, had killed 12 colleagues and a professor before if to commit suicide, in the Columbine High School, the Colorado (U.S.A.). Were among others things, vitiated to the game ' Doom' , a videogame permitted for the American military with the objective to train welded to kill. Person is about a game in 1, where the weapon that appears in the screen, in first plan, is of the proper person that is playing, that is, it assumes the role of who literally shoots. Above we see examples of you influence caused for some games that are, or already had left the market, however the example does not indicate that only this type of influences is causing young riots in adolescent and provoking tragedies in everybody, in the reality the list if it extends of a frightful form, as the relation that if follows: – Music – Films – Drawings – Relationships – Politics – Seitas – Books – Internet and the list follow its infinity. The Satan are expert in the question to influence for destruction of somebody and of that they are in its return, and for being a being that does not have to be able directly in the physical sphere it needs mechanisms and people stop to use in this purpose.