New requirements of an integrated ERP system craft software a software solution for the craft a transparent information management in a company of craftsmen without EDP no longer works. Now there are many software providers, there are also free craftsman software on the Internet for downloading. Many prefer small businesses give search terms such as: Handwerkersofware freeware/free, a SHK artisans program or building software in the search engine on the Web and hope that a free software solution. The company draws while on the lowest-cost alternative, but must do without any service. Non-existent modules and problem cases in the software are your own thing. Missing features, data backup of company data and set up the software solution are just a few examples that a future-oriented handicraft company introducing a new software early should allow enough information and approximate timetable for the implementation with the consultant of the software vendor.
On the path to the correct software for the company are the overall requirements, how the company normally works, logged. In addition, processes are analysed to implement a possible optimization. This information is used in the form of a requirements specification the right craftsman software as a basis for the search. At the present time, most of the solutions lead to a holistic industry program, which can be customized to the individual business segments of the company. This should be taken really, that comes a high area of the company with various software packages from a provider. So, it can be guaranteed that the communication between the individual modules work.
Furthermore, will the company benefit questions or requirements thereof, knowing the consultant and not referenced from one provider to the next. The term enterprise resource planning – ERP short – means the planning of company resources. These resources include any skills and capacities a company. The money capital, as well as machine utilization and planning staff are examples of transparent be created through an ERP application software.