
She is in the relation between men and women who a new reality if constructs and to new men and women if they make, creating culture and making histories. To if making the culture, it is not enough to evidence the different problematic manifestations happened of the convivncia human being, fulfills to us to interpret deeply the reference of the problems and our differences, aiming at to the reach of the agreement that we search. To face the challenges we must not only look at for our identity, but for the identity of the other citizens and groups which we coexist and for the relations of the pertaining to school context. We must understand the integration as the space opening so that somebody is part of a group, but, more than what to be part it is distinguished necessity of ' ' to take parte' '. To decide together, to construct feelings of: reconstruction of space, convivncia, considering the desires and expectations the necessities and interests in that they compose the group. Integration is a process in which the person is capable to participate of the school, already the inclusive education is a proposal of takes school accessible, guaranteeing the participation of all the people.

The school in a process of necessary inclusion to be acolhedora without segmented to determine, is the room of the deaf people here, of is delayed here. The inclusion says respect to occupy all the spaces, to coexist valuing the intercultural relations that the enrichment of all promotes, the inclusion not if it only relates to the special carriers of necessities, it includes in the process to teach and to learn, educandos and educandas, with and without necessities special, it if it prepares in such a way in physical terms (movable, physical space, etc.). To educate for the inclusion is to provide meeting and construction of intertransculturais experiences, is to weave the nets between the differences.