In the Ecuador distance education mode starts in the year of 1999, with its establishing regulation at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Central University in this country, however, until the present date, already boasts some promotions of graduates who were admitted before the year 2000, when the new higher education Act was promulgated and which not interrupted his studiesthey have obtained their titles of graduates in the three specialties and can get in races that granted, the corresponding doctoral. The graduates who began their studies after the higher education Act. They have been awarded the terminal title of undergraduate engineers and graduates in each of the specialties which are taught. He has been legalize new curricular reform networks and their general and transitory provisions. By requirements of the new regulation of academic regime, issued in the month of October, 2008, by the Superior Council of higher education (CONESUP), in compliance with the law of higher education and its regulation. By other hand, is necessary to legalize the regulation for functioning of this modality, so their academic, administrative and financial activities are properly supported. And it has a total of 5,810 students for the year 2009. The new Constitution established in its article 356 that higher education will be free until the third level and that the gratuity will be linked to the academic responsibility of the students and the students.
Then, in official register no. 473 of November 24, 2008 promulgated Decree Executive No. 1437, which normo and explained those items of higher undergraduate education. On 6 April 1999, approves final the program of education project to distance of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences by the Honorable of University Council of the Central University of Ecuador, becoming the Superior Institute of education at distance (ISED), under which has unfolded throughout this period. However, has approved in the first instance by the Board of Directors of the Faculty, the rules of procedure of the ISED project and he is reviewing it to undergo a second instance and follow subsequent processing with the academic Committee and University Council of the Central University of Ecuador. The distance of this power mode was born with the purpose of imparting the same races of the Presential modality, but following the guidelines that have been established for the distance mode, where it is still a virtual education, because there is still a computing platform.
The next step is to find a virtual platform that adapts to the needs of the ISED and which is sufficiently flexible and that is open source software technology, i.e. is not linked to any specific brand and it might be something like the known as moodle software free that they also use other countries. Generally in the Ecuador proliferates student overcrowding must be projected to distance education, but with the virtual mode, there should be greater dissemination of this type of modality that incentive and bid to attend, register and enroll more students and to strengthen this new educational approach.