Replace it belongs to the Stone Age! No longer true, because even if the principle of exchange determined from the Stone Age, and has been diligently used by the first man is also now active again exchanged. There are, on the Internet for several months, numerous legal file sharing, which, among other things, with the swapping of DVDs or books dealing with the exchange. If you have previously heard of, it is highly recommended but a look into the current Boersen(just relax on one of these links raise a few lines above click) on. There are usually no longer offered, although the latest products, but from time to time one can measure a desired long time classics or replaced with a little luck, but once an actual movie. The swap itself runs while as a rule so that each product is assigned a specific value, so you can not exchange a flea market book against a PC game and the platform is protected even from people who want to tap only really matters. In most cases, however, obtained after the notification, the possibility is a product for freecan send to first learn the look and feel familiar with the software. This convinced the majority of new registrations and leads to intensive use, the platforms on which to hope, ultimately, yes. The model seems to definitely be successful, since there are increasing numbers of users and will always be set by regular shapes, which can be seen from the constantly updated index pages of the website. Have fun in rehearsal, I already have all the hardworking Swap.