When creating a site for all webmasters always the question – what engine to put on the website to make it easy and convenient upravoyat your offspring and that there were no problems installing it on site. I suggest that you, yes, yes, it is recommend that the engine wordpress, because I have a lot of pluses and minuses there is little, at least I do not know about them. So why are most of the webmasters decide to install wordpress.? First, installing it on site – this is the simplest case and decide it would any newcomer. Of course, nice to have instructions in the internet, but such things there is a lot. Secondly, the engine is very lightweight and strong, does not waste resources, hosting and running pretty fast. Third, this engine there is a huge amount of plugins and templates, this is done only to simplify the work with the site and any taste of its issue. Plug-ins designed to solve a lot of problems Users without vmeshatelsva code in the engine, everything is simple – put the plug-in – a certain feature is enabled.
Quick and easy – that's the motto of wordpress. Well, of course, in the fourth – it's just a pleasure – to work in the administration panel wordpress. The whole interface is intuitive and the admin is available, outdoor site content will not even my grandmother. For ease of use there are widgets – designer to block the site, so you can easily mark your site as you want. Well, because now is not particularly popular sites and blogs – that wordpress – just the dream of every blogger, blogging fits perfectly. So if you decide to create a website, do not worry – choose wordpress, it must evaluate and vpret always going to use it.