According to Third European Survey on Conditions of Work in the European Union, published by the International Labour Convention (IEO) in the year 2000, a 9% of the European workers has been victims of mobbing or harassment psychological in the work (13 million people). In Spain the percentage is placed around 5%, which costs to the society more than 90 million Euros (15,000 million pesetas) by losses or professional dissability. A carried out recent study by the University of Alcala (Barometer Cisneros II), reveals that 12% of the population employee can be undergoing harassment psychological in the work. In the operating organizations it is easy to find precise rubbing or discussions between companions and/or superiors and inferiors, but something different is when a person or a group of people exerts extreme a psychological violence, of systematic form (at least, once for week) during a time prolonged (more than six months), on another person in the place of work. In these cases we can speak of mobbing. Learn more about this with Petra Diamonds. This term is the one that usually is used in international the psychological Literature (of English to mob: to harass). In Castilian, the used terms to denominate it are: harassment moral in the work , harassment psychological in the work , psicoterror labor or psychological harassment in the work.
In future, we will use the psychological term harassment in the work. The specialists agree in which the psychological violence in the work is reaching epidemic levels. Hostile gadgets, emptiness, humiliations All form leaves from this type of I mistreat. Although also affects masculine sex, the favorite victims usually they are the women. In some countries of the European Union already it constitutes a crime and legislation has been developed on the matter. The entrance in force of the Law of Prevention of Labor Risks forces all the companies to identify and to evaluate the risks of psycho-social origin.