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If you do not want to spend time to write one, You can ask for to other writers the use of your articles. 5. He in line organizes gratuitous seminaries from chat of his Web site. The idea of ” to live informacin” , it will attract without a doubt people to visit its Web site. You will become an expert well-known in the subject. 6.Organice contests or drawings in its Web site, and of a gratuitous entrance to the visitors to participate in them. The prizes must be something of of interest or value for its visitors. The majority of the people who enter, will return to visit their Web site to obtain the results. 7. It authorizes to his visitors the unloading of free software. It could be freeware, shareware, we give, etc You you could include in his site directory of free software. If You have created software, introduce your announcement in the interior and leave other people they distribute it. 8. It offers services in line frees or public in its Web site. They can be the motor search that present/display, copy of the writing, etc A service of correction of texts or services public would have to be useful for its objective public. 9. To give gratuitous consultant’s office to the people who visit their Web site. You could offer his knowledge through email or by telephone. People will consider this an enormous value, because the consultancy honoraria can very be lifted. 10. She in line provides to his visitors a gratuitous subscription to his club. People want to belong to something, Why not to its club in line. You also could give e-zine frees for the members of the Club.