The comparison between the family image of today and the 60 years ago shows clear differences. The home-style “normal” family became family – 50 years – the ‘patchwork’. Then values such as E.g. living with one’s children in the same household for several generations, are now more the exception than the rule. That a parent enters a new marriage or co-habitation, accepted in recent history only at the death of the spouse, today this is more or less in the order of the day.
Emancipation and equal rights of for women have changed the gender-specific tasks and values in the budget. While earlier the wife was still the daily duties in the household and supplied the children’s mission was the husbands of work to investigate and to “get the money” home. 2010, usually both partners are firmly in the world of work. That a father moves after the birth to parental leave, was unimaginable a few years ago. While the modern patchwork families -.
at least one parent has one or more children from a previous relationship into the new family – usually well complement and start a new family or a common life section begin, it increased the number of single parent families rapidly in recent years. Single parents are more burdened than married not only due to financial problems, but also by fear for the future, signs of stress and low self-esteem. In the 1960s, there were most pregnancies until after the marriage. Today, many couples split because the values no longer how they still know our parents – match a marriage or family -. There are other interesting articles on the current month topic “Value added” see: description of the company UNI.DE was founded in 1997 by students and is interest online platforms of the leading German-speaking special around the topics of study, career, education & Young Professionals. Services such as free E-email, free SMS, University news, focuses on UNI.DE Job search, study abroad, money and finance, points of view, UNI.DE TV, as well as a Germany-wide event and location guide. The offer is complemented by the collaboration with partners such as Monster, ImmobilienScout24, ride and more. daily inform universities about their activities and present themselves in higher education full page. In addition, UNI.DE through the area appeals to studentART targeted art-savvy students and promotes this through regular competitions. PR contact: UNI.DE GmbH Maria Baum shooting Sandoval str. 28 80339 Munich Tel: + 49.89.500 59 585 E-Mail: Web: