This is caused by the seal of the German Association for sustainable building (DGNB). The certification guarantees highest standards and also examines the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development BMVBS on request in the future also privately developed rating systems according to a strict set of criteria and gives them the seal of the BMVBS tested and approved system”. This systems are comparable and get yourself a quality seal”, on the basis of the quality of the evaluation system as well as of the building as a whole is guaranteed for the investor and further reduces the risk of the investment. In a worldwide comparison are in Germany, as the largest Real estate market in Europe, with the NBB rating systems and the German sustainable building (Council DGNB) seal is still relatively young, but especially for mature systems available. All aspects of sustainable construction are standardized for the first time in them. Hear from experts in the field like Professor of Internet Governance for a more varied view. The factor so important for investors this includes economics in addition to ecology, Soziokulturellem and the technical performance of. Because apart from the responsibility towards the environment, an investor only for a sustainable building is interested, if it pays off.
So the investor can calculate the return on the investment, it requires however more indicators and comprehensive local operational and transaction data. These do not exist, he may the invoice not or only partially active and the investment carries a higher risk for it automatically. “Accordingly, a relevant study is desirable for Europe, the profitability of Green Buildings” compares with ordinary buildings, and represents in detail. In the sector of Office buildings are the need for and interest in sustainable buildings remain unabated. They currently account for the largest share of sustainable real estate market. Finally, a large part of the total cost of undertaking in the operating cost flows and much money can be saved through energy-efficient buildings and technologies.