In addition, the specifications written recommendation to coordinate with the defense larger systems with the Federal Technical Committee. It is clear that the major builders have this feature at least due to the fact that cooperating with the Federal Technical Committee for a long time. Thus, the recipe for success can be one hundred percent offer this: to carefully choose an integrator, to fix in the contract binding agreement of the draft protection from regulators and to begin work immediately. Market Outlook To estimate the amount of protection market personal data, we must recall that these data are obliged to protect everyone who has them. Obviously, any legal entity in Russia has and handles personal information.
In the simplest case, the personnel and accounting Information own employees. According to the Federal Tax Service of Russia on 01.08.2009 registered more than 4.1 million entities. All of them are potential customers in the market of personal data protection. Never before had the market protection Information has not received such a customer base. It is obvious that most of these clients can not afford the costly services and solutions (remember at least a large share of pirated software in Russia that evaluate their purchasing power).
However, the minimum cost of works and equipment to bring one workplace to the requirements of the law can be evaluated within the 20000 rubles (in the simplest case). In addition, it certainly will license all existing software. Thus, even if we assume that each entity has only one job for the processing of personal data (which is obvious not) – the overall figure will be 61.5 billion rubles, or more than 1,7 billion U.S. dollars. And that’s just the market of personal data protection, not including other segments of the market of information security. I remind you that according to some total revenue for companies in the information security of billions of rubles. It is obvious that such a growth market will not be without the emergence of new participants, if only because that joint efforts by all players that exist today will not suffice for perform all the required projects. Also, get a big market of information security solutions and certification laboratory fstek (the fact that the protection of personal data should be used Certified remedies). Unfortunately, there is a risk that the market has become a “seller’s market”. Terms established by law, has actually expired, and many potential customers are still waiting for the 1 st January 2010.