Foundation Institute

Our collection has as public-target the young and adolescents of the generation ‘ ‘ Y’ ‘ , that already they had conquered its space in the work market and that, probably daqui has to some will dominate it completely years. Conceived in full it was digital, they believe proper values and they half use technology as important for attainment of professional and personal success. They are liberal in the consumption, but one as many conservatives in the social aspect. They like new features, they want to be antenados and they search symbols that bind the communities to them. Impulsive, imediatistas, impatient in the market of work, the young of the generation ‘ ‘ Y’ ‘ they do not think two comfortable times before moving of job in case that they are not felt valued or in the corporative environment. One searches published for the site of the Galileu magazine (Edition 219? October of 2009) and carried through by the Foundation Institute of Administrao (FIA/USP), with about 200 young of So Paulo, disclosed that 99% of the been born ones between 1980 and 1993 alone if keep involved in activities that like, and 96% believe that the objective of the work is the personal accomplishment.

In the question ‘ ‘ which person would like to be? ‘ ‘ , the reply ‘ ‘ balanced between professional life and pessoal’ ‘ it reached the top, followed of close for ‘ ‘ to make what it likes and of prazer’ ‘. The study, developed for Ana Coast, Miriam Korn and Carlos Honorato and presented in July, it tried to trace a profile of this generation that is giving problem for parents, professors and to the department of RH of the companies identification? the calls ‘ ‘ tribos’ ‘. The places of purchase and the marks finish becoming beepers that identify the new consumer with its group.