If you don’t want to be wrong in the choice of your niche market, you should know what main features meets a profitable niche. Sometimes entrepreneurs overlook these simple but important attributes to have disastrous consequences on sales. There are at least 6 characteristics that must obligatorily comply with our niche. With these 6 features you will not fall in the common mistakes of the majority of people. I have to correct my approach to niche for failing to meet them; Fortunately I’ve been able to identify these features in time and apply them to my analysis. Simply checking step by step which complies with our niche 6 requirements will save you much time, money and trouble. 6 Characteristics of profitable niche that we should check for not making mistakes are as follows: it is desirable that our niche market is within 3 Mega niche health, money and relationships. Be in one of the most lucrative internet niche multiplies our possibilities of making large income. 03%2CVSRPcmpt%3Aprimary’>Karen Edwards has plenty of information regarding this issue.
Never use too general words to define our niche, they have too many searches (millions in many cases) and we do not know if they are directed to my niche or others. Verify that our niche has at least 3000 global searches per month. This number is indicative but valid according to some experts to have guarantee of doing business. As far as possible, avoid MLM business. Google does not like this kind of business. Instead if we could sell an eBook with information about MLM, that would change things in our favor. There should be a great competition.
Competition makes much more take to reach the top positions in organic traffic and more expensive campaigns pay per click. Check the tendency of searches (keywords) is not down excessively. If we are entering a seemingly lucrative niche but increasingly have less searches, we cannot stay without traffic qualified in a few months. For example, in the niche tropical fish seek in the Google keywords tool as feed tropical fish. I can also find tropical fish just to search for ideas. Let’s look at a sample of the search result as feed tropical fish taking country Spain and Spanish language options: for tropical aquarium fish 1,900 searches and for tropical water fish we have 2,400 searches (among others). We can include information about tropical fish Mega niche money (sale of information, special aquariums, etc.); We have been very specific in your search words, the total number of searches for keywords interrelated exceeds 3000 searches, it is not an MLM business, it has low competition and a steady downward trend. Therefore meets fundamental requirements of profitable niche. Imagine that your niche does not meet all the requirements, do you think continue making mistakes that cost you lots of money? If you have not yet chosen niche or if you are already an entrepreneur with products immediately checks if you fulfill the characteristics and you can watch as your business grows faster. Source: Festival of the entrepreneur in Colombia do not have entrepreneurial culture in Mexico Doing Business 2011: more difficulties for our entrepreneurs Economy Weblog The Most Beautiful Images On Google Street View vital attributes needed by a successful entrepreneur Internet is business