
Glaucoma is a disorder that manifests itself in the visit very frequent clinic, is produced by an increase in intraocular pressure and which affects more than 2% of the world’s population from between 40 and 50 years. It is not a disorder that is deve pass leave overlooked because if untreated, it leads to blindness. Normal intraocular pressure is maintained thanks to the continuous secretion of aqueous humor by the ciliary body, then countered by their absorption into the anterior Chamber by filtration from the trabecular meshwork of the periphery of the iris to the canal of Schlemm. In glaucoma this balance is altered, usually by alterations of filtration and resorption of the acuoso(son diversos los procesos patologicos que se an estudiados pero se an vinculado a procesos geneticos) humor. ((Molecular genetics studies have pointed the way towards alternative methods for the mass examination of the population with glaucoma. Several techniques are available.

Chromosomal abnormalities in Rieger (chromosome 4q) syndrome have been found. The analysis of the genes most likely would be useful if it is believed that the disease is caused by one or more than one hundred genes, as for example the autosomal dominant RP. It has not been demonstrated to be useful for the genetics of glaucoma. ) In the guidance clinic there are two chronic glaucoma and the acute syndromes. What the difference between glaucoma, chronic and acute? Chronic glaucoma occurs if the increase in intraocular pressure sets slowly and progressive character and, if untreated, produces a slow and progressive deterioration of visual acuity. Acute glaucoma is associated with a rapid increase in intraocular pressure and causes intense pain and redness of the eye, with rapid deterioration of vision (which may be permanent if it is not urgent). The consequential of intraocular hypertension are the excavation of optic papilla, which does detect through exploration of the back of the eye in the consultation clinic, and degeneration of ganglion cells of the retina.