Within an administrative and managerial environment we realize that every time is more and more important the use of technology in our work, we see how little by little things and above all the technological devices have been changing and modifying strongly. In accounting principle, according to their history was quite complex and limited, carry information and especially accounting type, thanks to this new systematized world, our daily live has evolved so that it easier and helps us in a quick, simple and above all truthful way for such information as important for society to analyze in detail. No doubt are accounting applications a very important tool for us counters, but it would be those programs without a little extra? as calculation, text administrators, database engines and the vast (vast, widespread and/or very large) information obtained in cyberspace. Together they are displayed as a necessary tool for the workforce development of accountants, ignoring many times, an important detail if these cyber tools are licensed (legal), on many occasions the licensing of these applications tends to be very expensive. An economical solution can be Software Ope nSource is defined by the license that accompanies it, which guarantees any person the right to use, modify and redistribute the code freely.
Using the license GNU General Public License (GPL). Open Source is a property of the Open Source Initiative certification mark. Developers who design software to be shared, improved and distributed freely, can be used and distributed by anyone this translates into free distribution. There are no restrictions to sell or distribute the software. Open Source must include the source code, and must allow compiled distributions created when how to get source code is clearly exposed. For counters there are countless Open Source tools: huge accounting applications as designed ADempiere architecture ERP calculation engines: Gnumeric, StarOffice, OpenOffice. Administrators of text: AbiWord, which brings the StarOffice and OpenOffice package. Operating systems with Linux kernel: Ubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu of Canonical, Redhat Fedora, Mandriva OS Madriva, ReactOS, Reactos, Symbian OS for Nokia, Google Chrome Os from hundreds of options. As we can see the technology free or low-cost access and functional for our profession is possible to have it legally.