
Currently prime time in the English language describes the action that occurs normally or permanently. There is a group of English words and expressions used in every time the English language. Here are some of them: 1. Usually 2. Always 3. Sometimes 4. Often 5. Seldom 6.

Never 7. Frequently 8. Every … 9. Once a … 10. Twice a …

Some of these English words and phrases are also used in other English tenses. We'll discuss this in future lessons. So far, let us consider the structure of English sentence in the present prime time. English language – is one of the few languages that can teach and learn with … formulas and mathematics. In other words, if you remember the formula or structure of the English sentence in you are studying time, you will not have problems in English grammar and sentence structure at any given time. Structure (Formula) 1 I We VERB other proposals You They a March 2 Example 1: I get up at 8 am every morning. 1 2 3 If you compare this proposal with the formula and it suits her, or convergent, then the sentence grammatically built correctly. Otherwise, to look for errors in grammar. The proposal is built correctly. Example 2: We drink milk once a week. 1 2 3 This proposal also constructed correctly. If you have need to use the above English words and phrases in your sentence, then their position in the sentence following: 1. Usually 2. Always 3.