(MARTIAN; YOU MARK, P. 93, 2006) Currently, at a time which the knowledge and the information are factors of utmost importance for any organization or work, the Security of the Information is a prerequisite one that it serves as subsidy for all and any system of information, has a dependence relation enters the security of the information and its elements. The confidencialidade and the privacy offer support to the prevention of not authorized revelation of information, as well as keep given occult the not authorized and unknown users, not giving access privilege. The integrity prevents the not authorized modification of the information. The availability of the support to the construction of a trustworthy and available access the information. the authenticity understands what it could be called of final responsibility, searching to make the verification of the identity of a person or external agent of a system, with the purpose to assure the origin integrity. The cited elements previously aim at to promote the systems of information against the most varied types of threats as, for example, in espionage cases, it has embezzled, modification of information or even though in cases of modification of information or usurpation of the information. It is essential to stand out that the threats can be of diverse natures, them generally are classified as passive, active, malicious and not malicious threats.
To deal with these males, one becomes necessary the definition of politics and mechanisms of security that aim at the prevention, preventing that invaders undesirable violate the security mechanisms, beyond the recovery of the actual damages for diverse problems of the system. Some questions of operational nature appear in result of the necessity to provide have supported the security of systems of information, are financial, cognitivo, metafrico and legal text questions. 2 ANALYSIS OF RISKS the Analysis of Risks is a basic process in the organization, a time that identifies to the occurrence threats most probable, verifying the found fragility and the vulnerability, making possible the taking of efficient steps against the suffered damages.