Many car owners bought or received a parking radar parking sensors as a gift, start looking for the best and cheapest way to install it on the car. The most common way of motorists in Russia, to save their money is to install a parking radar independently or as they say their hands. Motorists talking with friends and acquaintances, having read various forums, looking at examples Installation, start to install parking sensors on the car with his hands, without worrying about warranty on your new car warranty parktronik himself and about the possibility nakosyachit. But when self- installing parking radar, with no special skills and knowledge you can say goodbye to the warranty on the equipment (for parking sensors – in the best case) or a new car (at worst), but when you install parking sensors on the any motor vehicle, interference with an established electrical wiring a car is minimal, it is better to entrust the installation of PDC professionals. Many motorists parking sensors installed at its authorized dealer, such method is very expensive, and car owners overpay for the installation of parking sensors already in three or more times the normal cost of installation, such as a certified installation center.
Best and not afford striker way is to install parking sensors in a specialized, certified installation center, for example: price installing parking sensors in the center begins to 2000P. depending on the number of sensors parking. Installing parking sensors in the center of the installation is performed by professional installers and takes from two to four hours depending on the purchased parking sensors and depending on the number of parking sensors. By After installing the client center, given the warranty card and a copy of the certificate to maintain warranty on new cars. Set the parking radar (Parktronic) and a park with pleasure!