A good example is iPhone, that projecto of the device properly said was developed almost that entirely by Apple, including in such a way ( the hardware) how much the operative system (software) and the tools that allow the development of applications. Relatively to the PCs, the centralization of the SmartPhones restricts the possibility of installation of new programs and applications. Becoming more limited its use. Some exceptions exist, as in the case of the StyleTap. For example: one smartphone based in the S60, restricts us it the definitive applications of this device; when buying one with Windows Mobile, he is restricted to the applicatory ones of Windows Mobile. This set of factors makes with that operative system and software is two crucial factors in the hour to choose one smartphone; in many more important cases until the resources of the hardware of the device. Currently the main existing operational systems are, study made for the World-wide Statistics (Source: ) of 1 Semester of 2009:1 – Symbian: 47,9% 2 – KIDNEY Blackberry: 19,8% 3 – Windows Mobile: 14,2% 4 – iPhoneOS: 11,6% 5 – Linux: 5,5% 6 – Others: evolution of smartphones, the devices had started to incorporate more functions.
What it is expressed a bigger electric consumption. This means that to manufacture compact devices with a good autonomy if each more difficult time became a task. (Source: ) One smartphone with an Read-Ion battery of 860 mAh approximately supplies of 3 watts/energy hour (that it corresponds what one notebook medium consumes in only 5 minutes) to carry through all its functions until the next recharge. To calculate the total of energy stored for the battery, it multiplies the tension (in volts) for the amperage (in mAh). A battery of 850mAh and 3.7V, for example, stores a 3.219 total of milliwatts/hour, energy that corresponds what a device with 3,219 consumption of watts would consume in one hour.