Three hot topics of the week for people with reading difficulties since the beginning of September the fun on the reading Publisher gives every Monday morning clear & clear currently out Germany’s first digital weekly in simple language. Clear & clear currently brings the three main topics of the week. Compact, clear, comprehensible and easily readable. So, people with reading difficulties and functionally illiterate can talk to – and learn to read at the same time! Clear & clear currently appears as a PDF file with a page of current news in easy to understand language and four pages of suggestions for teaching: comprehension questions and tasks relating to the article, but also discussion suggestions. So helps clear & clear at the literacy and social orientation. Since about the content, you can go into discussions or group discussions and practice dealing with newspapers and news.
Why plain language? Simple language aimed at people with low reading skills. For example funkionale illiterate, people with low education or without education, people with a different native language than German. According to the Leo study by 2011 there are in Germany almost 20 million people, which is not only incorrectly read or write. They are all dependent on texts in simple language. Simple language texts are easy to understand, they avoid foreign words, the records have a maximum of 15 words. All information to clear & clear currently at a glance there’s on. Fun on the reading Publisher the name is program.
“Under the motto read for all” released the fun on the reading Publisher books and newspapers in simple language with a clear, appealing design. The fun of reading published to all who learn English, Dutch or German as a foreign language is aimed with simple books in three languages. At the same time can native speakers, which read hard falls, improve their reading skills. Designing easy to understand books can the Publisher on nearly 20 years experience in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany fall back.