Activity lessors in the iv quarter of 2008 increased significantly. With the end of summer and vacation period, usually, the volume of transactions in the rental market is increasing, due to the new proposals and review of previously concluded agreements: volume of new proposals by September 2008 reached the March figures, denoting that the second peak of activity for the year market rent real estate in Moscow. You must also specify that the rental market in real estate is not could not influence the financial crisis: some owners meters fear in today's environment to sell their assets, decided to lease them. This was reflected in a sharp growth rate of new supply in September, and will obviously affect the increase in rental market luxury real estate in the coming months, before the onset of relative financial stability. In the iv quarter of 2008, the structure of territorial distribution quality housing for rent remained the same – most of the quality of the apartments are located in the heart of the capital, mostly in areas , Arbat, . Outside the cao bulk of the proposal was concentrated in the western part of town – uab, and swad szao. Despite the fact that the overall volume of deals in the rental market is quite high, most of it concentrated in the segment of private apartments and rental market is organized remains scarce.
Among the main objects of long-term organized rent – an apartment house in the dips Nikolovorobinskom per. Tenement houses GlavUpDK company (the company provides the premises leased to foreign and Russian legal entities registered in Russia), as well as a number of apart-hotels that provide services to long-term employment-based apartment hotels. In iv quarter, the company announced the immediate GlavUpDK opening of two new apartment buildings – office-residential complex , at the 4 th Dobryninsky per. ow. 8 / 10 (commissioning scheduled for late 2008), in which apartments are actively offered to potential tenants, and office-residential complex at ul. Innovators, 1 (input is scheduled for 1 square. 2009), who will join the organized market rent for more than 40 thousand square meters. In a question-answer forum SIEM was the first to reply. m