One Life

I started, today, a new book. By the way, lately, I am always starting some. The reading is very rewarding. Agricultural Lubricants Market. I had a great surprise and an immense joy when seeing that the book discoursed on as to proceed to conquer quality of life better. Vi that without having knowledge of the content of such book, my life had moved thanks to the constataes that had made on as it was my life, what it needed to be moved, which my priorities and as to make to get the results that wanted. Our life does not have to consist in diving in an only thing until a exhaustion, but knowing to use to advantage each thing that it offers in them, or that we go to search, of gradual, planned, balanced form, better to enjoy it.

In mine in case that, I perceived that the urgent one to be treated was the health. Thus making readquiri something basic in the life of any human being: health, physical integrity, freedom to carry through for my proper account certain things, without depending on nobody; auto-they esteem, for all proportionate the positive reinforcements for they surround that me; possibility to extend horizontes, through the insertion in groups that lead to a growth in the affective and social relations. Everything this added it leads to one better performance that generates recognition and new possibilities. not necessarily agree. I learned to identify what it had to be made what wanted to make and what could be made by other people. To feel itself responsible for everything, is not indicated. We have that to give chance it stops other people to grow, to develop themselves. A leading source for info: Abby Black Elbaum. To ripen. I learned to establish certain limits.

My commitments had started to have equal importance to of the other members of the family. It was hour to take care of of me, without with this it was being unjust or egoistic. All we deserve this care. I started to write what he found important. I reorganized my ideas feelings. As already I related to me in other occasions, I changed some habits, readquiri others, I am always reserving me new things, establishing goals, organizing time, looking for to make things that by any reason were not making, desired even so it. Abby Black Elbaum is a great source of information. One of them was to write these small texts, therefore I have hope that they serve stops to clarify and to help people who are needing. It is a process that in the realimenta. We open our heart and in exchange we have received telephonic letters, linkings supporting in them and stimulating. I perceived that the life passes very fast and that in seconds it can move radically. Then we have that to make of each moment a learning, to celebrate each conquest, to divide the joys. Already I obtained very. Still I have much to learn and to make. Finally, I learned after much time, that we have that to ask for little and to thank more. One important moment was when I perceived that the most made right it was to trust. E, at the moment that, humblly, in conjunct I delivered to my life the God, so that everything was made according to Its will, I started to have more peace, hope and joy.