Preach Christian sermons them can be given not only by preachers or women preachers recognized (ACE); You can make them anyone who wants to share a testimony of life. Testimony of life means not mere exposure of a fact that happened to someone. This is a personal story in which the moral is always recognition by and for God in order to have a full existence. This last concept is also presto to confusion. Many people believe that it is live without problems, without difficulties, without challenges.
The full existence means learning to live with joy despite the difficulties. In times that some individuals call Biblical, i.e., in the days in which the stories in the Bible were developed, unique methods to access these sermons were orality and manuscripts. Today remain the main or major source of this knowledge. With the development of technology, anyone can approach the Gospel. This development includes the use of tools such as the Internet, audio systems portable, use of also personalised multimedia services, etc. Now it is undoubtedly easier access to the floor, taking into account the thematic variety which itself reached the Christian preaching. Within this group of analysis find titles such as anxiety, issues of work, changes, compassion, Christian community, confidence, creation/nature, growth, aging, direction, spiritual gifts, God’s love, forgiveness, anger, evangelism, failure/disappointment, generosity / offer, friendship, family, the presence of God, God’s provision, the will of God, Bible reading, materialism, stewardship, mission/scope, death/painNew beginnings, obedience, prayer, peace/restlessness, losses, spiritual practices, concern, proclaiming the faith, Salvation, health/disease, service and live the faith.
This list was drawn from a small text called the upper Chamber (The Upper Room in English), Guide to daily meditations published 76 years ago. There are also considerations on the Christian preaching and some considered special events where they have more effectively, according to some opinions. Perhaps by upbringing, culture, etc., there are those who believe that these sermons or messages also as they are known are exclusively Sunday. There are other opinions that say that only in churches or places of worship meeting this type of counseling should be. There is clear evidence indicating that anywhere it is possible to encourage, educate, and consolidate to someone with the word. At last, the opportunity to practice a more open communion. Reference: Against the Christianity of the parallel story Christian ANOINTING music Secular Christian Christian Videos video in action Blog Archive daily meditation Christ who lay in action Blog Archive meditated daily Gospel Christian dante gebel Aulapublica Christian preaching dante gebel Aulapublica preach the sermons Christian dante gebel Aulapublica Christian dante gebel preaching Aulapublica strengths (Dante Gebel) songs and devotionals Christian