
These 2 points will have to be 5cm below of the arm, and with 10cm of distance between itself. It uses the wimble with the drill in. 6 and place the bushings of in. 6 with the aid of the hammer. It screws the hooks with sheaves until the end. To install the hooks in the same wall of the varal: It marks 2 points for hurricane. These 2 points will have to be 5 cm below and 5cm of distance of the arms, with 10cm of distance between itself (vide fig.

C). It uses the wimble with abroca in. 6 and place the bushings of in. 6 with the aid of the hammer. It screws the hooks with sheaves until the end.

1,50m of height of the soil marks a point and enters the 2 hooks with double sheaves. This point will serve for the hook for the setting of the ropes. It uses the wimble with the drill in. 6 and place the bushing in. 6 with the aid of the hammer. It screws the hook until the end. 8 Passo With the shears, cut accurately to the way, in its extension, the rope for varal. In the hook with double sheaves that is in the wall, pass a tip of the rope for a sheave and to another tip for the other sheave (both of the same double sheave). Pass each tip of the rope for the double sheave of the arm, being that a tip will have to follow until the other arm and to pass for the simple sheave. Surplus for the rope leaves sufficiently to facilitate the knotting of the varal. It repeats the operation in outroconjunto of sheaves. Important: the ropes will not have to be crossed at no moment. They will have to always remain parallel bars between itself. 9 Passo Rabbet the iron braces in the extremities of the varal, as the figure below. 10 Passo Verifies below, as better to moor the iron braces in the varal. Of this form, the iron braces will be firmer and resistant. Cut the rope excess that to sobrar, after this arrumao. 11 Passo Now, is alone to pull for low the extremities of the rope that is in the hooks with double sheaves (fig. ) Of the wall, in direction to the hook with setting of the ropes (fig. B). It pulls the ropes individually until the varal horizontally is lined up to the arms. It joins all the ropes and it makes one alone knot enters all they, in the height of the hook of setting of the ropes. This first knot will define the maximum height of the varal. We make others, to adjust the best height to hang the arms. Ps: We to each make 10cm to get some levels of height. Soon its varal is ready to use!