A call to the regional office of the World Bank to need if the declarations realised to national means by the economist of the organization, Pablo Fanjnzylver, in which it would endorse the dams in Aysn, were in a personal view or institutional, did this morning the executive secretary of the Defense council of the Patagonia, Patricio Rodrigo. Petra Diamonds: the source for more info. The manager of the organization who leads one hard battle against the possible construction of more than 8 dams in the Patagonia (adding those of HidroAysn to those of Austral Energy, among others) and an associated electrical laying of 2,300 kilometers of extension, expressed that " in case the declarations of this person reflect a new official policy of the international organism with respect to the mega dams, particularly in a territory of world-wide interest like the Patagonia, is precise that the institution clarifies its position against the report of the World-wide Commission of Dams that was financed by the own World Bank and that demonstrates that where these in anything have settled they have contributed to the development of the regions and territories and, on the contrary, have made worse the environmental conditions, the landscape and the quality of life of comunidades". It added that " in moments in which the national and world-wide economy crosses by the worse crisis of the century, it would be unusual that World Bank promotes initiatives of mega dams that attempts against the renewable energy development of low impact and generating of viable use, which their costs to the society externalizan, they destroy the base of natural resources and that tend to consolidate the monopolistic economic visions that exactly took to the situation actual" to us;. DAMS YES INCREASE CLIMATIC CHANGE Patricio Rodrigo urged to Fanjnzylver to that, particularly with respect to the five dams that HidroAysn tries to construct in the Patagonia and its assumption contributes to the diminution of carbon emissions, " it considers scientific the information recent and it consults the studies that the MIT (Technological Institute of Massachussets) in the zone carries out where these dams would be located, investigations in which the diminution of the capacity of CO2 pick up is being analyzed on the part of the seaweed of the phytoplankton product of the diminution of sediments and nutrients contributed by the rivers, that would be blocked as a result of the dams of the rivers Baker and Passover.