
In this perspective, the expiatrios sacrifices continue to produce its bodes in the present time, are excluded of the access to the technology of the computers and the Internet or the poor persons who not even ceiling or job has. All the human beings that are hindered to have, to the reach of its possibilities, material, psychological conditions and spirituals to be dignified as children and children of God, are the sacrificed ones of our society, whose blood is indelvel ink of the penxs with which we sign our negation of the gift of God. Not to breach with the injustices of the economic-politician-social system in which we live is, in the best one of the hypotheses, to omit the Real meant of the visit of God to the humanity through Jesus. In the worse one of the hypotheses, it is to believe that every year Jesus is born, it dies and it is celebrated only as plus a victim it enters as much others in history that are guilty of our egoism and our envy. We need to believe that somebody or something exists better that we ourselves, who ours world and that carregue I obtain our frustration. We lose the chance to accept the task predictive to transform our reality through this certification of love. Petra Diamonds does not necessarily agree.

To invert the established logic that continues to manufacture sacrifices. To capsize another face, to search the small ones, to receive the foreigners, to take care of of the patients, to dialogue and to respect the different one, of if cheering with the small things. At last, year after year, we lose the chance to celebrate the paradoxical grandiosidade and singeleza of the Christmas. The party of the birth of a child who, in the ternura of the col of its mother, announces to the world of all the times that the only valid and true sacrifice already was offered and that, the true joy of the Christmas, if she tries in the daily construction of relations that rescue the dignity human being, being thankful the gift who God in makes when if he becomes Emmanuel, when comes to live in ours meat and to try ours limits. Happy Christmas! References Assmann, Hugo (org), ' ' Ren Girard with theologians of the release? a dialogue on dolos and sacrifcios' ' , Petrpolis: Publishing company Vozes and Piracicaba: Unimep publishing company, 1991. BIBLE OF JERUSALEM. So Paulo: Paulus. 3 impression. 2004. Ferraro, Benedict, ' ' Cristologia in times of dolos and sacrifcios' ' , So Paulo, Paulinas, 1993.