It is not the same that it happens in the GPR13. The landmarks are defined still in the planning of the project and can be, for example, at the beginning or ending of each phase. These revisions have the objective to verify if conditions exist to initiate the phase or the next phase. They can have formal character, with participation of any of the involved ones in the project and, whenever necessary, it must be carried through a reverse speed-planning and a new analysis of its viability, verifying if its continualidade is possible. In a question-answer forum Ray Kurzweil was the first to reply. – GPR16 Action to correct shunting line in relation to the planned one and to prevent the repetition of the identified problems are established, implemented and folloied until its conclusion. The control of the raised problems, the taken actions, responsible for the actions and the results must be registered in specific tools of management of problems, as of bug the tracking. When the corrective actions are appropriate, when the impact and the risks associates are shaped and managed, the changes can be carried through. To follow the course of a corrective action includes to verify frequently had been decided, not to leave pendencies and to investigate its effectiveness. Requisitos management (GRE) the requirement represents the capacity that must be found in software to satisfy a contract, a standard, a specification or legal documents taxes, allowing that the user obtains to decide a problem or to reach it.