Around curious noises, good diferentesdo that long ago I knew. Expensive reader, thanks a lot, for the chance, free-haystack my arrest, I can say, finally feel air and its curiosity; I invoke the arts, muses of the knowledge, equalizam our mutualismo, saudemosento: 1.Agricultura, therefore to semconhecer it the man still would be as the other animals, looking for the prpriosustento; 2.Navegao, basic technique to pararomper the physical limitation of the man, being diminished the borders and espaosgeogrficos, 3.Indstria, an amplifier dashabilidades human beings, the man invented the instruments and improved the techniques, to talk back its advances was become industrialized; 4.Comrcio, the relations detroca are intrinsic to the inhabitants of the world and for extension to the man, beyond dasconhecidas experiences its subjectivity with the exterior, it extrapolaquando extend to this relation for its pairs, becoming vital the social one. 5.Religio, interface and aexplicao of world, when the man creates devices that allow umintercmbio of the human being with the inhuman one, creates its expectation concerning the creation, thus appears to last the great manifestation human being. Thanking to these five conquests human beings, they quepermitem to the man the confection of other forms, to keep its rise, to venhocapturar its directions, imprudent reader, felt that now they become me human being. I in exchange offer the learning to it and the delight, therefore, after all I am a document, education I emit the lesson, I give the acknowledgment, I am the warning, I demonstrate the model. .