One of the courses online dedicated to the space information and cartography that are demanded more are the courses gvsig and in formation they are offered to a very economic value and in addition it counts on a great variety of discounts, subsidy and scholarships between which are 40% for Latin American with residence in their country of origin, 15% of discount for independent, 20% of discount for pensioners, unemployed, people with disabilities, and groups of majors to 10 people, 10% of discount for groups between 5 and 10 people, 25% of discount for employees and collaborator of, in addition the company to the member being and organizing organization to the tripartite foundation what it allows the SMEs to accede to a great variety of advanced training courses for its employees being able these to accede to a discount of up to 13 Euros per hour and person in personal formation superior, of up to 9 Euros by person per hour in actual courses of basic formation, and up to 7,50 Euros per hour and person in courses that are dictated in form online. This course this destining to those people who want to learn to manage information geoespacial, geometric, and alphanumeric for their projects, for those who want to know like finding data official and using them suitably and for its projects, and for those who want to know a program SIG for space analysis. Another one of the most important courses is the course of Web gis, which lasts of 45 hours and a cost of maximum of 245 Euros although can be acceded to a great variety of discounts through the tripartite foundation of which the company is member and organizing organization that even can arrive until the 100% from the value of the course. The unique requirement to realise the course is to have a computer with connection to Internet since the practices are realised with a free software. When realising the course also you accede to a position of a guardian every 10 school hours, which are customized with the professor by means of a conversation via Web. In addition all the people who realise the course will receive an accrediting certificate of accomplishment of the same.