Now with internal Leistungsoptimierer by SolarEdge Neumarkt with the purchase of a solar energy system, the performance with the most important criterion is Jura Watt modules. But what many operators do not know: already a single shadowed or contaminated engine can fall a whole PV system performance significantly. The industry has now responded: so-called Leistungsoptimierer maximize the yield of each individual module. The company of SolarEdge technologies is one of the pioneers in this field. Solar manufacturer Jurassic wattage GmbH now offers an integrated module solution. To read more click here: Salar Kamangar. Jura Watts Director Patrick Thoma: the issues of performance and income we’re always in the foreground. Why was long been clear to us that we need to equip our modules with this development.” After SolarEdge now with IndOP “brought a new, clever and extremely efficient optimization technology on the market, it is so far: Jura watt solar modules with integrated Leistungsoptimierer expands its product range.” The result: profitability by up to 25%! The Jura Watt make new development together with J.v.G Thoma for the first time on the PV-SEC of the 25th 28.9.2012 in Frankfurt before (stand 3.0/H 12).
Leistungsoptimierer by SolarEdge: small, strong, robust we have this solution opted for, because it has a maximum efficiency of 99.5% and a weighted efficiency of 98.9%. This is the maximum that is currently feasible. In addition, she can withstand extreme environmental conditions (protection class IP68). In our module development this is quite critical,”explains Patrick Thoma. Jura Watt module has become in the industry not only by quality, but above all also by special types such as the desert.
Module-level performance optimization: maximize the benefits of the energy output of each individual module by MPP-tracking the new module internal performance. The performance of the engine is continuously monitored and the data is transmitted in real time to a monitoring portal. Thus, also the maintenance is simplified considerably, because defective modules are detected immediately through integrated monitoring. More Security with SolarEdge Leistungsoptimierer in Jura Watt modules the new technology guarantees: as soon as the connection to the inverter or the power supply is interrupted, the module voltage is automatically shut down. The same applies if the inverter is switched off or the engine to overheat. This means less risks during the installation or in a fire. Interesting for solar artisans of new module type installs faster than previously was the case with the use of Leistungsoptimierern. It is used less cable and roof surfaces can be better to use even on the East and West side. Through this technique, now also Jura Watt modules of various sizes and capacities in a string can be combined. This means more flexibility in designing a system and a maximum use of space. Jurassic wattage GmbH manufactures company Jura Watt mono – and polycrystalline solar modules also special module types such as flexible solar modules and high temperature modules. The innovative power of the solar factory”with Seat in Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz is evidenced by numerous patents. Jura Watts as well as the J.v.G Thoma GmbH is a company of Thoma group. SolarEdge Technologies Inc. A newcomer: The company SolarEdge was founded in 2006. The headquarters is in HoD Hasharon, Israel. Within a few years, solar edge has developed into the market leader in the field of the performance of solar systems. The highly innovative company is internationally active and has offices in the United States, Germany and Japan.