Technological sonorous landscape: formed for the sounds of the technological instruments invented by the man as: car, motion, airplane, train, buzzer, telephone, loudspeaker, bell, electronic music, etc. Objective: – To promote an experience of construction of sonorous landscapes with voices. – To develop in the pupils the capacity to sensetize itself to observe and to understand the sounds and its importance in the construction of different sonorous landscapes. Content: – Sonorous Landscapes human being, natural and technological. Strategies: – Colloquy with the pupils involved in the process on the different types of sounds that permeiam our daily one. – Communication on the different types of sonorous landscapes. – Characterization of the different types of landscapes through imitation made by the proper pupils.
– Production of a video with the imitations of the pupils. The pupils had participated hearing, asking, emitting opinions and mainly in the imitations or constructions of the sonorous landscapes. The video will have to be socialized with the pupils so that the same ones can appreciate its sonorous productions. The sonorous perception is something that if it initiates when the individual still is in the maternal uterus and develops itself throughout the life, for this it is understood that it is a phenomenon that it needs to be worked in the family and in the school since the first moments of the life so that if it can develop in small a capacity and the ability to appreciate the sounds, as well as learning to identify them and to imitate them, the individual also must understand that each sound brings in its bulge a load of significao, for this can be said that as well as the words the sonorous landscapes are polissmicas. This is a very interesting work to the measure that can awake in the pupils the capacity to imitate some sounds and to appreciate them as plus a form of if relating with the others and the way.