Earching For Personal Answers

If you wonder why you are going through a difficult situation in your life, if you feel that there are some issues in your life that are crying out for attention or if you realize that there are circumstances that prevent you from leading a healthy life done, perhaps you’re not too far from finding the answer. Indeed, in many cases, we ourselves are the only ones who can find the secret recipe to succeed and evolve. Who would know better than we do what we like and dislike, what we need, what makes us feel good or what wears us down physically and emotionally? Unfortunately, today, in the giddy race we call life, based on the struggle to be the best, the happiest, most beautiful, the biggest winner, we lose access to our own concerns, to ourselves. Bettina Bryant addresses the importance of the matter here. The concept of finding mismoa a OESI acquires a different weight, becomes prime target for anyone who wants to succeed in finding their happiness, their truth, their paradise here and now. While it is true that humanity will not cost him anything away from the values and assumptions that make it stand out from all of creation, it is also true that the way back to reach that original royalty requires effort. It requires us to be willing to buy back the lost treasures: our consciousness and awareness of values and all the tools at our disposal to implement them and live them. Eliot Horowitz often says this.