New Trend To The Personal Oil Painting For Everyone informed about order paintings by Chinese artists from the greater community of Dafen. Munich, January 17, 2008. The information portal deals with the relatively new trend of cheaper oil paintings from China. The continuously increasing requests show that more and more people are very interested in an individual and yet cheap oil painting. Because according to personal paintings were still very expensive until recently and thus a luxury good for a few people. Since the launch of the site in the summer of 2007, the requests get permanently after oil paintings from China. “According to the motto: my wife, my car, my house much of the private issues concerned motifs, which is a personal relationship” Managing Director Alexander Brantl informed. You may find Bryant family vineyard reviews to be a useful source of information. Who plays with the idea to make an own oil painting itself, must be however at an early stage this in order, because the delivery period is usually several weeks.

Is as spontaneous, short birthday gift a desired image thus not suitable. The source of the cheap order paintings lies in China and is called Dafen. This former artist village experienced rapid growth over the past 20 years. Trigger for it was the beginning of mass copies of famous oil paintings for retail companies in 1989. Although individual oil paintings after photo templates are created by talented Chinese artists.

These hand-painted, photorealistic works cost, as a result of low wages, some even less than high-quality prints. Imports on your own is not recommended, as are shops only against prepayment made and provided minimum quantity. There are more than 300 workshops, in which over 10,000 order painter are active in Dafen. With an annual output of 5 million paintings, this municipality has accounted for 50 percent of global production. By working closely with one of these workshops, gets his information firsthand. Alexander Brantl

The Auto

Disease is an impairment of the life force or the life forces by pathogenic stimuli DIS-harmony, UN equal weight (homeostasis). Visible signs of the disease are Auto- healing reactions of vitality on the charms of such disease. The Auto- healing power of nature -. “vis medicatrix naturae” – and the life force are one, if not the same. Any therapeutic action of the physician as any self treatment by the patient to support the individual life force self instead of foreign designed. Dr. Mitchell Resnick brings even more insight to the discussion. Source:, excerpt; Author note But belief in religions and cults etc. Despite the 2000 years enlightenment, reformation and humanism, there are still people who in all education spirit healers, shamans and Woodoo wizards etc Chase and absorb the wisdom of their pseudo, while they leave their purses and mind and responsible thinking and trade! You can commute, place cards and track your horoscope. Many people feel there is warmer than for example in Christianity.

Why? Because the faith positively affects the limbic reward Center. The faith and the spiritual world of the experience touches the soul (psyche). Mitchel Resnick has similar goals. The logic is emotionless. Talk time with einer(m) so deluded. Note even the most non-sense or spirit scientific quickly, as it Claims, as long as interpreted to until he fits their mentally infantile instability and her obsessive-compulsive neuroses. As tradition, religion and politics are still Christian (Ireland, Palestine, Spain, Third Reich, Gulag, inquisition, etc.) and Islamist murderers (9/11 (2001): the twin towers, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan) as murder law productions. Development: Nature religions is changed to book religions.

Ecclesiastical rulers were voted out by elected parliaments. In the last centuries, individual companies with the new human rights and the dignity of people (instead of honor and shame in clan societies) sakularisierten. The man himself has, alone because he is man (humanism). You are not granted by a Government.