South Africa

The process of obtaining 'wave' of energy is technically straightforward, and has previously created devices that generate electricity from vibrations of water. Obtained energy is directly proportional to two parameters – the oscillation period and amplitude of the square. Optimal placement of plants so – at a depth of between 40 and 100 meters, below is the influence of the seabed. For large-scale distribution of such power plants is necessary to solve many complex engineering problems. In particular, the installation must withstand prolonged exposure to salty sea water, greatly accelerates the corrosion and the influence of marine and coastal storms. Environmentalists have created a three-dimensional map for ecosystem monitoring the African savannah Environmentalists first built a three-dimensional map of the vegetation of African savannas for In order to comprehensively assess the effectiveness of ecosystem management on the African continent.

To create three-dimensional maps of the African savannah, scientists from the Carnegie Institution (USA) have created an air observatory located on board the aircraft. Using three-dimensional laser mapping equipment and high-resolution spectrometer scientists managed to get a card savannah vegetation for the area in 1640 hectares Kruger National Park in South Africa up to 50 centimeters. Applying the simulated high-precision three-dimensional map, scientists have noted the interesting observation. For example, it was found that the zones that are protected from grazing in During the last six years, have a 38% -80% less land devoid of vegetation. At the same time in areas where large herbivores did not appear for more than 22 years, three-dimensional structure of woody vegetation not only has a 11-fold large area, but differs significantly in composition. If the earlier control over the African savannah ecosystems in the territory of which inhabit both large and small animals, was quite a challenge for the reserves and national parks on the African continent, but now, they hope scientists and environmentalists, with the help of a new method of environmental planning, this problem is much simpler. Scientists have found that most of the world wars occurred in the unique natural areas of the planet exploring the place of fighting in wars and conflicts, the researchers concluded that more than 80% of the world's armed conflicts during 1950-2000 occurred in areas with rich nature and are classified as biologically diverse.

Biologists also have a concept of 'hot spots', but for them 'hot spots' are those places in which found more than half of all valuable species of plants and, At least 42% of all vertebrate species, largely under threat of extinction. Amazingly, the most abundant natural point on the Earth are also the regions of armed conflict. Millions the poorest people on earth live in just such 'hot spots', and the state of the ecosystems they depend for survival of local populations. Thus, the effects of armed conflicts in the world extends far beyond just fighting action, according to environmentalists. Degradation of ecosystems due to wars requires an immediate solution to global security, and biodiversity conservation. To view the complete version of the article and discuss it you can be found here: