The Century

Jesus is not afraid, not afraid any us. And he says: check that I submit to your experience. I am safe, certain, that suits you. Your experience takes the job of doing the verification, and then tell me if you do not belong. Since then there is no proposal, in life, first having so much confidence in the human heart, and that take so enserio about the man, because Jesus is not imposed, be It proposes. And says: test, is expressed in the see you with me that says the Gospel. Your test, experiencing all the way, this relationship with Jesus, and life itself, your experience will tell you if it corresponds or does not correspond. Therefore in order to make this experience, and come to have this certainty, what if we want to much is able to meet Jesus.

Where is Jesus?, where can I find Jesus? In a place, only in a human place. The same dynamic that had at first, has to continue until the end of the century. Early man, he was a human reality, one carene, the mystery was involved, the mystery made present, and also today after vente centuries, still the same dynamics in a flesh in a human reality, mystery is present, and I do experience the. It is the human, that human flesh, the Christian community is called, I am with you until the end of the world? Therefore in order to have this experience of Christ, it is necessary my accession, meet me, my links, my relationship with this Christian community, which is the Church. No I do not have this relationship, I can never have this real experience with Christ. End of the seminar.


Between 10 and 33 euros. This is the reduced price of tuition to be paid students of the newly released people’s University, a virtual education project which is part of the Alliance Global of organization of United Nations (UN) on communication technology and development. The aim is to promote access to higher education for the most disadvantaged students. The new academic year 2009-2010 has begun with the offer of two degrees. To access the teachings only need a computer, an Internet connection and sufficient knowledge of the English language.The distance education in a virtual environment has established itself worldwide as an alternative ideal for thousands of young people who, for various reasons, can not attend face-to-face lessons in an educational institution. This option enables them to combine their training with other activities and allows them to organize their time of study according to the availability. Universities in most developed countries complete the offer academic degrees online students.In parallel, new centres of higher education dedicated exclusively to providing this type of training have been created.

One of the main advantages is the possibility of enrolment of students from different countries, provided that they comply with the requirements for admission. However, not all students can afford the costs of these virtual programs.Economic resources should not be the reason that prevents access to higher education for thousands of people in the world. This is the philosophy and starting point of a new educational institution: the University of the people, an innovative project, non-profit, framed in Alliance Global of the Organization of United Nations (UN) on communication technology and development. It offers online training to students from around the world for almost free. How the University of the people is a virtual educational centre that imparts higher distance at a very low cost training. This is made possible by open source teaching materials and to the altruistic collaboration of professors and graduate student volunteers from prestigious institutions such as the universities of Yale, Berkeley or New York.