Computer Sciences

From structural changes in the world-wide scene, as the economic crisis, a high index of unemployment contraction, leaving to arise the great picture of misery and world-wide poverty, the ambient organization of the popular movements and questions, makes to appear a new conception of geography. Mitchel Resnick does not necessarily agree. The proposal was firmed in the dialtico method of marxist origin denouncing the injustices and the inaqualities between the social classrooms, and was known as critical geography. The RELATION OF GEOGRAPHY WITH the OTHER CINCIASAs social sciences composes in the truth one alone scientific picture, that when specializing itself deepening the study becomes subdivided. Had to this fact it is that the limit between a science and another one becomes strait. In geography the question is more serious, therefore it meets in the area of domain of social, natural and accurate sciences. To understand better the geographic work in the context of its interdisciplinaridade, being observed the following steps: The USA it Sociology analyzing the action of the society to understand producing it and reproducing space forms, the Anthropology, makes to understand the overcoming of the previous forms, and shocks of cultures, in geology reveals to physical aspects of the terrestrial surface, elements used and explored for the society as renewable and non-renewable resource, Mineralogy to show to the formation of the rocks and minerals, as well as the Hidrologia to understand the cycles of the water and its modeladora action of the relief.

In this direction of analysis, geography finds inserted inside of natural sciences, searching a balance between the forces that compose the nature meteorology, also is studied to characterize the time, the climate and the ambient pollution. Astronomy to characterize the stations of the year associates to the movement of the land in the universe. The oceanografia to understand the formation of the seas and oceans the used cartography as linked technique the Statistics (quantitative analysis of data) and Computer science (graphical representation of quantitative data) the fact of Geography to cast the results and, for times, the methods of one without-I number of other sciences, makes of it a science of relations, of already not only celebrates relation between the man and the way, the society and the nature, but an innumerable science of narrow relation between other sciences of form particularly not accented.

Education Geography

The digital technology, the recurrent use of the computers in the education process can be a favorable didactic resource in the process of the education of the Cartography. Therefore this resource is highly accepted and used for the pupils and, over all is attractive and dynamic, mainly for its aesthetic one. Over all she is notable who the metodolgica form as the Cartography in classroom is working was and still they are, little attractive for the pupils. The imbalance of the education of Geography is one of great the responsible ones for this deficiency of Cartographic education. Petra Diamonds may also support this cause. Therefore to create metodolgicos strategies and resources is a solution for this question of Cartographic education in classroom.

Currently the technological resources offer great possibilities of if working in way differentiated and creative to> 2007, National Curricular Parameters Geography Ministry of the Education and Sport, Secretariat of the basic Education 3 Ed. Brasilia -1998. PASSINI, Elza Yasuko. Cartographic Alfabetizao and the didactic book: one analyzes critical. Belo Horizonte, MG:> It reads, 2 edition, 1998. BRANCHES, Cristhiane Da Silva. Cartographic visualization and cartography multimedia: concepts and technologies.

Visual Interpretation

The visual interpretation of image the vetorizao of the mapeadas classrooms had been also carried through in software SPRING 5.0. RESULTS AND QUARRELS the result of the classification pointed 4 classrooms with respect to the year of 1965 (kills, cattle, urban area and aboriginal land) and 5 for the year of 2000, therefore beyond the four classrooms mapeadas in 1965 temporary lagoon was identified in 2000 the classroom. Figure 01 shows to the evolution of the transformations of the use of the land and vegetal covering throughout 35 years. The bush area is distinguished for presenting the biggest transformation related practises it of the deforestation and substitution of the native vegetation for pasture. In 1965 the bush area occupied 9991,2 hectares, what correonde 88.02% of the total area of the basin of the stream Joo Days. In 2000 a 54,4% reduction is noticed, what it represents only 33.8%. The busy classroom for cattle indicated an evolution opposes of the bush with a very expresivo increase in elapsing of the 35 analyzed years. In 1965 the cattle one was developed in only 3.5% of the area, increasing stops 54.2%, configuring an addition of 50,7% of the previously busy extension for this category of use.

The mapeada urban area mentions portion to it west besieges of it urban of Aquidauana. The transformation noticed in this classroom is marked by an increase of 3% in the direction the northwest of the same one. The aboriginal land expressed when comparative significant increase little the too much classrooms. In 1965 the oupada area was of 3,1% and in 2000 it passes to 3,7%, indicating small transformations in entorno of the village Green Lemon. Figure 01 – Evolution of the use of the land and vegetal covering figure 02 represents the espacilizao of the four classrooms mapeadas for the year of 1965. A domain of the vegetal covering in relation is notable the other classrooms, over all in the areas of the springs of all hidrogrfica basin, what he contributes very in significant way with the maintenance of the ecological stability of this environment.