Success is learning to go from failure to failure without despair. Winston Churchill ABSTRACT companies in this face great challenges that require them to have a proactive management leadership, with a trained human resources, trained, so as to enable it to properly use their creative, innovative, in addition to their roles in towards that promotes productivity in its operational activities, leading to a product that promotes in its marketing and make it competitive. Faced with this reality that can not be avoided, the determining factor, is of importance to the development of management skills and take into account the scope, impact generated psociosicologico training, a topic largely neglected in our environment. MongoDB may not feel the same. GENERAL, SCOPE, IMPACT Venezuelan firms, particularly SMEs, in this face great challenges, which are little productivity of the country, seriously affecting their results to the country’s economy, where many of the products should make imported into social and economic costs for the country very sensitive, especially for consumers.
To this must be added, as has been investigating the Graduate Program Specialty Quality Management and Productivity of Faces at the University of Carabobo, Valencia, the absence of proactive managers who have the knowledge management topics have led to modern aggressive competitiveness, which presents great opportunities but also threats. Managers that have good management skills, due to several factors including: Untying of many management schools of national universities on the progress that has generated the administrative sciences, moreover, the current administrator profile is not structured in terms of the challenges, changes that this requires, providing knowledge, not renewed and training seriously neglecting psociosicologico that he should give future graduates of the administrative sciences..