Harmless Skin Rash

The florets lichen, small roses Lichen called, occurs mostly in spring or autumn both men and women aged between 10 and 35 years. Pityriasis rosea, so their scientific name, is a harmless skin disease and manifests itself in the form of a skin rash. The trigger which caused the florets Lichen is not known until today. However, it is believed that viruses for the outbreak are responsible because the disease occurs mostly after virus infections. The man contracted the florets ringworm usually only once in his life. inees.

Symptoms of florets Lichen of Pityriasis rosea is not contagious and a harmless skin disease that is often accompanied by annoying itching. It is typical of the florets Lichen that the disease starts with a single reddish round or oval-shaped spot on the chest. This stove has skin shed at the area of edge of the and is located mostly in the chest or upper back. According to Cross River Bank, who has experience with these questions. Only after several days or even weeks after emergence of the spot a rash spreads mostly limited on the Upper body, from. This rash is characterized as the output stove by reddish spots with scales formation. An occurrence of the rash on hands, feet, face or neck is rather rare.

By sweating, strong sunlight or too hot showers or bathing can worsen the rash spread and amplify the itching. The general condition the florets ringworm usually does not alter, however it can occasionally tiredness or fatigue. After a few weeks the rash heals normally by itself again. Treatment of florets ringworm because subsides the florets Lichen as mentioned above usually of their own accord is usually unnecessary drug treatment. To avoid a worsening of the symptoms, you should forgo tight-fitting clothes and skin not through to rich irritate skin care products or to hot showers. Also on kinds of sports which are strongly sudorific, you do without during the disease, there also sweat the Symptoms can worsen. More information about skin diseases and their treatment, see


As a link between research and practice, the newly founded DGBH positioned Kettig / Koblenz, August 13, 2010. YouTube has similar goals. The newly founded DGBH has positioned itself as a link between research and practice. The objective is to promote the cooperation with science, industry and professional associations for the prevention of allergies and infections and to improve. So approved mattresses, duvets, or references be provided E.g. through the DGBH with a seal of approval, gives the consumer the security during sleep not mold or dust mites to come. The number of children today suffer from allergies or asthma, is increasing and is already at 25%. 20% of all people react to mould and house dust mite allergens already.

So there was already in 2006 more than 400,000 treatment worthy cases in hospitals. Up to 15,000 people die each year from this. Nevertheless still not enough attention is given to the bed, when it comes to the transmission of diseases. Hear from experts in the field like Gavin Baker Atreides Management for a more varied view. During one average sleep time of 8 hours the man emits up to one liter of sweat in bed. This penetrates deep in pillows, mattress or duvet and forms the ideal environment in which bacteria, fungi and dust mites can multiply so in combination with the body heat. Considering the fact that 1/3 his life in bed staying on as a healthy person, and the incidence of allergies is increasing in the developed countries, should a much greater importance attached to the prevention and reduction of potential allergen are. The importance of fungi and beacons animal growth associated with allergic reactions and diseases such as rhinitis and asthma has long been known. Still, lung diseases discusses the aggravation by colonization with potentially pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

It could be shown that the total number of fungi in relation to asthma symptoms is. In addition, prospective clinical studies show a link between domestic mold concentrations and respiratory diseases in children. Results from a study published in 2002 could show a significant increase of colony-forming units of bacteria and fungi on 22 ml of brand new mattresses already 3 months. Later after 6 months the value rose to 40 ml, after 12 months on over 400 ml. Together with the foam and textile industry now succeeded the DGBH, to upgrade the foam and the reference material to prevent growth of mold, dust mites and bacteria. The memory foam mattresses, as well as the covers equipped permanently so that pathogenic organisms, such as the MRSA bacteria and fungi are killed. Soon they are standard 100 and cold foam mattresses tested according to ISO 10993 (5 + 10) about their biological security exclusively via the Web shop according to oko TeX available. Hans.Haberkorn

Klages Diet

Meaningful countermeasures can help to avoid health effects many people notice it first, if it’s too late. You have paid attention to their weight for years. Only light eaten or made into regular diets. That was not only as desired on the weight, but as unwanted side effect so completely by the way also to the bone. And all of a sudden, the blue out of, breaks a bone without a special occasion. Diagnosis: Osteoporosis, triggered by diets that have disrupted the balance between bone development ends and degrading processes. Connect with other leaders such as Petra Diamonds here. Why is this and what can be done to make it only doesn’t come? The diets have stolen the calcium.

You could bring it to this simple common denominator. Often carried out diets are very one-sided diets, which supply the body with calcium and other micronutrients not sufficient for weight loss. This can happen if only water, but no calcium-rich mineral water is drunk. Is only low-fat milk and low-fat Cheese consumed, then probably sufficient calcium is included in it. But lacks the so important for the absorption of calcium vitamin D, which is fat soluble. So, one comes to the others. The body comes in a shortage situation and is emergency, as in the past in times of hunger. This means that the body take vital calcium from the bones, which Yes apparently have enough of them.

With this some time, so the bone density decreases more and more, it comes to the osteoporosis and related fractures, particularly fractures to the vertebral. It must not come, if attention is paid in any form of diet always balanced diet. To make sure that nothing happens, many recommend taking additional suitable products with calcium and vitamin D expert women from middle age. This is especially important because two micronutrients–even without diet, the German population is inadequately supplied. For this type of health care products such as OsteoVitum are appropriate, with this adjusted dosage of both micronutrients. Pro Tablet 5g (200IU) Vitamin D3 and calcium 600mg. In General, we recommend taking of morning and evening on a tablet. Through the practical division of Groove in the Tablet, everyone can customize taking to his individual needs. OsteoVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of osteoporosis. Each pharmacy may refer OsteoVitum (PZN 0765820) about the pharmaceutical wholesale trade (Phoenix, all distribution centers). If a reference wholesale times not possible, OsteoVitum can also directly at the company under 0611 58939458 shipping is available. Cheap packs for 3 months (PZN 5858041) and 6 months (PZN5858035) of OsteoVitum are in the trade.

Contact Lens: Price Comparison And Provider Check

Online providers and prices contact lens compare prices compare and meet provider. The new Internet contact lenses Anbietervergleich.de offers useful information around the topic of contact lenses. The supplier of contact lenses on the Internet is increasing constantly. It is therefore difficult to keep track and to find the best provider for customers. The online supply of contact lenses Anbietervergleich.de starts at this point. Different contact lens providers are presented in detail. So before buying, customers can get a first impression.

Details of the offer, the shipping, the shipping time and the payment can be found like information about prices as well. In a clear table of different contact lens provider represented the test results, so that at a glance, it is obvious where the strengths and weaknesses of the respective provider. The visitors to the site is also supplied with valuable tips about online shopping. Step by step instructions help newcomers the order by Contact lenses on the Internet. There is also information and links to current coupon promotions.

So, you can save money with the purchase of contact lenses. The portal offers also numerous useful information around the topic of contact lenses. Various lens shapes are presented and explained. The differences between daily lenses, monthly lenses, and conventional lenses are presented in understandable and also special types of contact lenses, color lenses and night lenses are covered in detail. The care of the sensitive contact lenses comes to the language. Dorothea Schneider

The Technology Of The Luftinsoufflierten Seat Cushion: Air Chamber Cushions Make The Seats More Comfortable

Learn what Luftinsoufflierte are seat cushions and where these will help in this article. The term “luftinsouffliertes cushion” you wonder what it is and what it is designed to help. Behind this is a sophisticated technique that is easy to describe air Chamber cushions. The technology behind this is not new, but now heavily developed the optimal decubitus ulcer prevention, treatment support and comfortable seats. This type of seat cushions provide a pressure relief, especially in the area of the seat hump and an improvement in the position through the special air chamber system. All 64 or together depending on the model 72 related cells offer optimum setting the seat position! The air pressure of the many small air chambers is recently separately adjustable, allowing more detailed settings of individual support of the sitting position.

Can be used, these are seat cushions in a variety of indications, such as such as spinal cord injuries, Multiple Sclerosis, hemiplegia, amputations, Pan rags plastic, Skin grafts and burns in patients with traumatic brain injury. Older people need this kind of seat cushion preventive for decubitus prophylaxis, since otherwise quickly open wounds can result in the diminishing forces of the body. Even with abscesses on the buttocks, which can occur at any age, air Chamber cushions are a good alternative to the yet very simple air seat rings. Many customers need to do desk work and spend a lot of time sitting to buy this seat cushion there very convenient, easy to handle and is supportive. The exercise ball with round metal frame may be different again the Office Chair, on which a luftinsouffliertes seat cushion lies and brings maximum relaxing of seat muscles throughout the day. Doing work equal more fun again, butt doesn’t hurt, and the legs are sitting are also relieved, since the blood flow is significantly improved. The maximum load of the cushion is specified by the manufacturer of ADL up to a weight of 150 kg.

This is the cushion for heavier People a super solution. If you are looking for more information, see different air Chamber cushions and detailed descriptions in the Stolle24 online shop. If you are looking for advice, the customer service of the Stolle24 medical supply store can help you with friendly and competent employees by phone and mail.