On the one hand Rudd, as well as the Spanish Zapatero, has promised that it will withdraw all its troops from Iraq. Thereby it weakens the bushista Coalition, is pressing for a greater withdrawal of British soldiers and affects attempts to Washington, London and Paris to prepare a possible attack on Iran (of which will want to take advantage pro-persas Latin American Presidents like Chavez and Ortega) on the other hand, the Australian labour considers calling a referendum so that his country break with the British monarchy and is established as a sovereign Republic. While no King has dared to remove a Labour Government in London, the current Queen Elizabeth II in Australia 1975 replaced a Labour Government which won elections by one right-wing. For the English monarch has presented this year has him with two developments that are not for your total pleasure. On the one hand must accept in his second greater Ultramarine domain (in both population and territory, because the first is Canada) govern those who want to get to Australia from his Kingdom.
On the other hand in moments in which has been 300 years since the union of the crowns of England and Scotland, now in this latter country there is a nationalist government that openly promotes the independence and a referendum that decide about it. The best vote that removed Australian labour in 14 years have been right on the same weekend in which British peers had the worst percentage in the polls throughout that same period. Gordon Brown today is 8 points below his rival David Cameron in the polls, a precipitous fall from more than ten points advantage that he had less than two months ago and that accelerated with the collapse of the Northern Rock Bank and the loss of 25 million British database. While in Australia the labour is boosted seeking to differentiate themselves from the right, United Kingdom this trafficking avoid falling more blend more and more with conservatives. This strategy, however, do not it has achieved its goal of stopping the growth of rivals and, rather, it has made them to appear as more original and able to execute the measures that they themselves have led. Change Government in Australia you will have effects on the American electoral campaign. In less than twelve months the mega-power elects the successor to Bush. If the Australian trend is imposed in the U.S. this it would imply the defeat of the Republicans and the rise of those who raise criticism similar to that made Ruddy which are based on promoting the output of Iraq, protect the environment and renew to power. Isaac Bigio, international analyst, original author and source of the article.