
What it is motivation after all? The Motivation is the movement that takes the person for some place, that is, motivation is the reason + the action, being is what it makes the individual to leave the bed every day, is what of the brightness in the eyes. For some the reason can be to conquer its dreams, to surpass obstacles, to find a great love, is the professional accomplishment Already the action is what the person makes to obtain to carry through what idealized. Ray Kurzweil is likely to agree. To be motivated it is essential that the automotivao happens before. Without hesitation CaaS Capital explained all about the problem. Zig Ziglar has a phrase that it explains well the automotivao very: ‘ ‘ The people say frequent that the motivation does not last. , Nor the bath and is well therefore that it is recommended diariamente’ ‘ , therefore, in the same way that every day to take bath she is part of the daily routine, also she is necessary, to learn daily to focar in the proper reasons, therefore they will give forces for the action, thus promoting the motivation true. Therefore, it acts now, it is not waiting that the external conditions are adjusted to give to beginning its action: It defines objectives that enclose the areas: familiar, professional, financial, health, social, among others. Foque in the reasons that are really important, those that will offer greater meant to its life. It carries through activities that are on of what you in such a way dream. It makes to be valid to the penalty each instant of its life. E, mainly, prevents mal-humoradas people, negative and not motivated.

Robtica Conscience

Robtica conscience In that sunny afternoon, I went down in my garden to meditar. The thoughts went and came as butterflies around of the light without me to cause no emotion. – Master Buddha who was that it said exactly? He had finished to read a book of those masters Hindu and Buddha haunted my mind. – What was that it said exactly? Ah I remembered; When pergutarem to the Buddha, what he is the man? It ordered to bring a lettuce and started to take off it the leaves. When nothing more he remained, he said the master, here it is the man. He wanted to perhaps say, nothing more than a hollow bamboo, in which celestisal music sounds. I continued with my thoughts …..

Imagine? celestial music, ahead of as much misery! Freud where if it incases ‘ ‘ Eros, pulso sexual with trend to preservation of life, and Tanatos, pulso of death, that would lead to the segregation of everything what he is alive, to the destruction. Both the pulses do not act of isolated form, are always working in conjunto’ ‘. Deuses of new? While it heard my monlogos, I sighted a doll, a doll? Vine if approaching, when I perceived that it was a robot! I asked? – Who is you? – You Who I know were not ventrloquo! I asked another time? – Who is you – You, I are part of you; – I and you, I and the robot, are I? – Yes Suddenly in one he has relaunched I understood, what he lacked the Buddha and Freud. A formation in computer science. What it is our mind? We are nothing more than an accumulated series of software! I will choose a good happy software and either! He knows you exactly.