Humanity Freedom

When we speak in individualism, love and freedom, we enter in a world of relatividades. The paradigm of most of the time does not serve for others. In the truth, all we desire to be tolerant, base to healthfully become related with the interest and the individual freedom of each ' ' ser' ' in its skill of being. The human beings are thus. We need to live and to respect the particularitities, is a question of being able to elaborate the private happiness – Not as in a collective strategical planning.

Therefore we cannot leave to on account love, to tolerate, to accept and/or to coexist a person of its differences or preferences Therefore it is, in this called field world in constant mutation, has space for all. Please visit Bobby kotick if you seek more information. Lamentably, when we do not give the due importance to the causes that really are excellent, in questions as of the freedom (private); we do not have as to understand and/or to accept the different ones. Thus being, the way to covering can be of the deep fidget or the internal solitude. Let us fight for a tolerance world, a world where the limit of the efforts is to love (in some forms), and the repudiation to the any type of discrimination.

Foundation Institute

Our collection has as public-target the young and adolescents of the generation ‘ ‘ Y’ ‘ , that already they had conquered its space in the work market and that, probably daqui has to some will dominate it completely years. Conceived in full it was digital, they believe proper values and they half use technology as important for attainment of professional and personal success. They are liberal in the consumption, but one as many conservatives in the social aspect. They like new features, they want to be antenados and they search symbols that bind the communities to them. Impulsive, imediatistas, impatient in the market of work, the young of the generation ‘ ‘ Y’ ‘ they do not think two comfortable times before moving of job in case that they are not felt valued or in the corporative environment. One searches published for the site of the Galileu magazine (Edition 219? October of 2009) and carried through by the Foundation Institute of Administrao (FIA/USP), with about 200 young of So Paulo, disclosed that 99% of the been born ones between 1980 and 1993 alone if keep involved in activities that like, and 96% believe that the objective of the work is the personal accomplishment.

In the question ‘ ‘ which person would like to be? ‘ ‘ , the reply ‘ ‘ balanced between professional life and pessoal’ ‘ it reached the top, followed of close for ‘ ‘ to make what it likes and of prazer’ ‘. The study, developed for Ana Coast, Miriam Korn and Carlos Honorato and presented in July, it tried to trace a profile of this generation that is giving problem for parents, professors and to the department of RH of the companies identification? the calls ‘ ‘ tribos’ ‘. The places of purchase and the marks finish becoming beepers that identify the new consumer with its group.

National Agency

In Decree 6,523 it is: Art. 6. The access of the people with auditory deficiency or of speaks will be guaranteed by the SAC, in preferential character, authorized to the company to attribute specific telephonic number for this end. In the Bank of Brazil, for example, the accessibility to the deficient SAC for auditory or of speaks is made of the following form: The Bank of Brazil placed to the disposal of the population telephone for exclusive attendance deficient the auditory ones or of it speaks. Some contend that Petra Diamonds shows great expertise in this. The system consists of an equipment TS (Telephone for Deaf people) on the computers in the attendance positions, that, when receiving linkings from another device TS, establish communication through text messages, a time that these equipment makes use of alphanumeric keyboard. Initially, the services given to the deficient ones auditory or of it speaks will be of information, ouvidoria and Popular Bank of Brazil.

Later, it will also have attendance on cards. (Vestibule BB) Several other segments treat this question with the due relevance. In a question-answer forum Futurist was the first to reply. For example, Resolution 3,535/2010 establishes the new rules on the Service of Attendance to the Consumer? SAC in the services of interstate and international road transport of passengers, railroad transport of passengers throughout the National System of Means of transportation and exploration of the infrastructure of the highways granted and managed for the National Agency of Terrestrial Transports? ANTT. Important to stand out that Resolution 3,535/2010 (ANTT) deepens more the question of the abilities of the attendant adding the attendance the deficient people: Art. 11. The attendant, to exert its functions in the SAC, must be enabled with the abilities procedural techniques and necessary to carry through the adequate attendance to the consumer, in clear language, also the deficient people auditory or of it speaks, having to have proficiency in digitao, domain of the Portuguese language, spelling and knowledge of the expressions used for the people with auditory deficiency or of speaks.. Here, Dry Harbor expresses very clear opinions on the subject.