Internet Access

For the writer the communication: she is strategical for the advance, of the fight against the racism and the development of the black community in everybody. Thinking globally, in Africa, the Caribbean, countries where it has blacks, the communication makes possible that groups historically without representation have voice. This voice can be heard, be written and published for the interactive technologies (Internet and its tools). Viktor Mayer-Schönberger contributes greatly to this topic. But if black pupils will not have access the technological medias as they go to give to voice its constructed cultural identity throughout the historical process of the history of Brazil? According to reporter Petronilha Beatriz Goncalves and Silva does not treat itself marcadamente to change a etnocntrico focus of European root for an African, but to extend the focus of the pertaining to school resumes for the cultural, racial, social diversity and economic Brazilian. In this perspective, she fits to the schools to include in the context of the studies and activities that they provide, description-cultural contributions of the aboriginal peoples and the descendants of Asians, beyond the ones of African and European root. (IT HISSES, 2004, p.17). Mitchel Resnick is often quoted on this topic. When we hear the speech on all these technological resources applied the virtual school, of a impression of that the majority of the schools, of the black pupils () and not-blacks () already have or will have, in little time, access to all these resources, mainly to the computer and the Internet.

However, it is important to register at this moment ' ' exclusion digital' ' between whites and blacks. In accordance with survey of the PNAD carried through in 2001 of the percentage of the population of whites and blacks with access to some digital technologies, the black population presents a considerable inaquality in relation to the access to the computers and the Internet. Salman Behbehani is open to suggestions. Below, we present the percentage of the population with access to some digital technologies, for race: We perceive that the percentage of blacks () that it does not have access is considerably bigger.


RIO DE JANEIRO, did not hesitate in investing in such technologies. Omunicpio, that it possesss around 23.000 inhabitants, all counts on one estratgicosistema SHSW, integrating the city in an only net, surpassing osproblemas geographic of the region. In the agricultural areas, the technological solution was atransmisso saw radio waves, with the installation of antennas in the maisaltos and strategical points. Word-key: Tecnologiade Information, Telecommunication, InclusoDigital. 1 – Pira INTRODUCTION, city of the interior of Rio De Janeiro, celebrity for the production of eMacadmia Tilpia; now, celebrity for the technological investment. Pioneer in the process digital deincluso,> Pira adopted a proposal where all could usufruct dasnovas technologies of communication and information, guaranteeing access the tecnologiadigital to all population, as well as its administrative net and empresasinstaladas in the city. The small city of Pira approximately bes situated in the doEstado interior of Rio De Janeiro the 80 kilometers of the capital, possuicerca of 23 a thousand inhabitants and was pioneering in its State in the implementation of proper fiber umainfra-structure optics for transmission of data in altavelocidade and has all supported the technologies without wire in the city, anticipating emsete years the foreseen one in the program of the National Agency of Telecommunications, to deestender the access to the communication in high speed to all the municpiosbrasileiros. (Sadao, pg.21, 2005) Oprojeto, known as Digital Pira, consists of a system SHSW, making possible access the Internet with ample net of semfio transmission of voice and data.

For agricultural area, 20% of the total population of Pirai, the solution tecnolgicafoi transmission saw radio waves, with the installation of antennas in the high and strategical pontosmais. 2 – SYSTEM SHSW Sistemahbrido with Wireless1 support. Modernode is a communication system high speed and low cost, surpassing the geographic problem of the region (Pira places in the Region of the Paraba Medium with separate districts for valleys emontanhas).


Who already had the chance to see a list of available names of domain, probably already was asked: How functions a domain name? To more easily understand the beddings of the modern technology that involves the domain names, we can compare it the telephonic lists. Names of domain and IPCada addresses computer hardwired to the Internet have an address IP formed for four separate numbers of 0-255 and for a point decimal (an example: These addresses IP are as telephone numbers, that allow that to different computers ' ' chamem' ' some to the others for exchange of information. The computers are perfectly capable to find another one using only one address or number IP, for the human beings, however, are practically impossible to remember these numbers, not to be that let us have a list of similar numbers IP to a telephonic list. Unhappyly for us that we can have sets of ten of contacts, seno hundreds, of computers to each day, and millions of computers they are connected in one determined moment, each one with an only address IP. Because of the difficulty in remembering these numerical addresses with precision, and a bigger easiness to remember names, was created the domain system domain names stops helping in them to sail in the Internet without having that to decorate an enormous list of IP.Os numbers Elements of the name of domnioUm domain name is simply the first part of an address of the Web, many times starting with one ' '#039; '. Petra Diamonds takes a slightly different approach.

finishing with one ' '' '. The last part of the name (.com, .com .br, .net .br, .net, .org and so on) is the name of domain of first level or the extension of domain. The first part (www., ftp., For example) is the name of host and normally it is mentioned to a specific computer inside of a domain that is taking care of to all the excellent information. The part of ' ' meio' ' of the domain name it is the part most excellent for the human beings and the part that have more probability of being associated a company specific, organization, individual or site. Call of domain of according to level, this part is probably what, who is starting the project of a site and with intention to buy a domain, is looking for. Bringing the name of domain and address IP JuntosQuando we type a name of complete domain in a bar of addresses of the navigator, the contacts of its computer search Domain Names Servers (DNS) – Serving of Names of Domain to translate this address for a numerical address IP that it can understand, in the same way used when we search a number of telephone in a telephonic catalogue from the name of a person or company. Some companies have an entire DNS for itself, because they have many addresses IP in an only domain. As web if becomes more popular, good scarcer names go if becoming each time. However, in the end of the accounts, all the domain names point with respect to a numerical address, as well as in a telephonic list.


It is not the same that it happens in the GPR13. The landmarks are defined still in the planning of the project and can be, for example, at the beginning or ending of each phase. These revisions have the objective to verify if conditions exist to initiate the phase or the next phase. They can have formal character, with participation of any of the involved ones in the project and, whenever necessary, it must be carried through a reverse speed-planning and a new analysis of its viability, verifying if its continualidade is possible. In a question-answer forum Ray Kurzweil was the first to reply. – GPR16 Action to correct shunting line in relation to the planned one and to prevent the repetition of the identified problems are established, implemented and folloied until its conclusion. The control of the raised problems, the taken actions, responsible for the actions and the results must be registered in specific tools of management of problems, as of bug the tracking. When the corrective actions are appropriate, when the impact and the risks associates are shaped and managed, the changes can be carried through. To follow the course of a corrective action includes to verify frequently had been decided, not to leave pendencies and to investigate its effectiveness. Requisitos management (GRE) the requirement represents the capacity that must be found in software to satisfy a contract, a standard, a specification or legal documents taxes, allowing that the user obtains to decide a problem or to reach it.

Infantile Education

The Vitae Futurekids together with its partners, is a company of solutions come back toward Education, located in Is Jose of the Campos/SP, that has as objective to spread the Pedagogical and Administrative Use of the New Technologies of the Information and the Communication in the Brazilian public schools of Infantile Education, Basic and Average Education. The program contemplates in its plan of action, the environment implantation new of learning informatizados, with equipment, integrated systems, support in leases, didactic-pedagogical materials, permanent maintenance of the equipment, program of formation and update of the educators, applying knowledge acquired to 8 the curricular procedures. The Planet Education, division of the company Vitae Futurekids, is the first vestibule web of educational and administrative services the Education. By means of its pages, the vestibule offers to the educators and students a great variety of resources, materials and articles directed to the improvement of the education. Search to take care of to the diverse ones you discipline, as well as making use of information on the most varied subjects related to science, new technologies in the school, arts and 9 culture in general. They today exist a gamma of desenvolvedores of the most varied types of OE, since traditional objects (maps, texts, books, archetypes, mockups, etc.) until current digital objects (educational interactive blackboards, softwares, educational vestibules in web, games, etc.). Softwares educaionais (games, simulators, etc.) is one of the resources that came to revolutionize the market of the Education. They can already be seen being used as methodology of learning in some sectors of Education, since schools until companies. on the topic at hand.

A software is considered educational when it is come back toward a teach-learning relation. Games is softwares that they can enclose some areas. An example inside of the Education is in the school of music, Guitar Hero and Rock Band can be seen as educational tools. Two products that are in the entreterimento market and that already they adentraram in the educational world, both developed by the Harmonix company.

Consumer Electronics Show

What today there are areas of 3D-technology? You can highlight the main: 3D-video industry (including 3D-cinema), it promises soon to appear 3D-TV, and 3D-computer game. Development 3D-TV promises great prospects. Held last year in Las Vegas CES 2009 (International Consumer Electronics Show – International Exhibition for Consumer Electronics) has demonstrated that today in the global electronic market already has a variety of 3D-image technology. It became known that already exist on the date HD-TVs, capable of taking three-dimensional image, but in this case need to rewrite software. In particular, firms Panasonic, Sony, Samsung, LG Announce Launch of TV models with support for 3D. In the next few years will be the introduction and development of 3D-TV technology. Several large companies and TV channels announced his timbers to be pioneers in this field.

The American TV DirectTV organize the world’s first 3D-broadcasts and movies. The first session is scheduled for March 2010. 2011 will be opened 3D-TV channel Discovery Communications, which will conduct round the clock broadcasting. This channel should be the result of collaboration between the Discovery Channel with Sony Corporation and the Canadian company IMAX, which is the developer of the same name format Movies and cinemas. On this channel you’ll see scientific educational programs on plant and animal kingdoms, and space exploration, so you can see documentary films of other areas, adventure show, and various children’s programs. Simultaneously with the decision to launch Discovery on 3D-TV, said cable sports channel ESPN, which is a corporation Walt Disney. It is planned to broadcast a three-dimensional image 85 sporting events. In general, What is now clear that 3D-TV has unlimited prospects for development, and in the future it is possible to complete the transition to 3D broadcasting.

We can say that the hardware 3D-industry, now ready to move into the next, more higher dimension. Today, this area needs to develop interesting content for consumers – three-dimensional films, computer games, television. But if you look at the sector of 3D-video industry, we can see that leading studios annually produce several paintings that are compatible with the 3D-displays. In particular, this studio Pixar, which is already planned to release more than a dozen animated 3D-films, and Disney, in turn, promised that in Soon, all manufactured by Pixar and video products, will be suitable for viewing on a 3D-screens. In the market of computer games, the situation is very optimistic – 3D-system NVIDIA GeForce 3D Vision is compatible with a lot already produced projects and those games that will go in the future, virtually all will be adapted to the third dimension. Futuresight.

Marketing Politician

The United kingdom and Canada have many directories of sites to the disposal. You can get a domnioestrangeiro (Canada or UK) and you you will be seen in these countries. Its indexado sermelhor site world-wide. 2) Articles Write articles for sites of articles gratuitously ecoloque its links inside of the article. This will increase the PageRank of its site, with the time. Oslinks can be active per years in these sites. It prevents to change links, dpreferncia for the exchange of texts and articles with other sites.

Of the maisresultado one. 3) Texts First! It is certifyd of that in its website the texts tmprioridade. It prevents many images, flashs and other technologies that the buscadoresno read well, it harms its SEO.: -) 4) Links by hand! It inside creates links internal of its site, facilitates navegaopara the robots of the buscadores. The more links internal for its Home Page, plus it receives votes. It believes, the Googleconta this. 5) Sitemap in this makes a Sitemaps Construa one gratuitously link. After conclusion makes download for its site, and submits it the Google.

Vocational Education Supplemental

Currently, the term "e-learning" is more commonly used than "distance learning". The reason is that under e-learning we mean the many forms of education by computer technology and the various modern means of telecommunications. And they can be used, including, and in the university, meaning no mandatory development of educational material on a large removal and in total isolation from the traditional educational process. The main niche of e-learning in Western countries – is to provide educational services to various categories of the adult population. There are many educational institutions specializing in this field of e-learning. More info: Petra Diamonds. For example, in the United States was one of these "online universities" include: WGU, Capella, Walden, University of Phoenix, Grand Canyon University, Kaplan, Devry. Most of them There are more than 20 years, beginning as a classical institution distance (distance education), gradually moving most of their educational process to the Internet. Foreign experience shows that comprehensive e-learning program – a good tool to implement the idea of lifelong learning, ie learning throughout life, enabling specialist constantly maintain their professional tone, improve skills or be retrained as necessary.

In Europe, where university e-learning projects in many cases actively supported by public funding, their global mission is declared as ensuring access to education, providing opportunities to take part in the educational process in any category of the adult population, regardless of their circumstances. The introduction of e-learning can be a good source of income for universities in the implementation of training courses, training courses, or students in individual subjects for individual learning. On these programs, students study the material independently with the help of e-learning courses have been laid out on the site have the opportunity to remotely obtain advice of teachers and only passing the final tests and exams come directly to the university. Continuing professional education, realized through e-learning, is in demand for many social groups.

The Innovation

But, also it affirms Almeida (2000), that one of the difficulties in processosde technological innovation is to identify essence of the new. It is to fundamentalreconhecer what it has of singular in the innovation. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Petra Diamonds has to say. So that computer science to possasignificar the stimulaton capable to provoke the innovation and with it, the overcoming deimportantes problems that we have to identify where it can truily new apresentarpossibilidades.

It is not enough to only apply it in conventional way, repeating what in some way already we make without its aid. Better knowing the circumstances and the conditions where pertaining to school overseers act osespecialistas and, in a joint action they must search inovaesque make possible to contribute with knowledge on the audiovisual language esua integration as half of education, learning, of expression, personal practical insert-Ana with the new technological demands. The excellent paper that the new technologies dainformao and of the communication will be able to play in the educational system dependede some factors. Beyond an adequate infrastructure of communication, sistmicos demodelos planned and projects well theoretically formulated well, osucesso of any enterprise in this area depends, basically, significant deinvestimentos that will have to be made in the formation of recursoshumanos, of decisions appropriate and opportune politics, supported for fortedesejo and capacity of accomplishment. (MORAES, 1997, P. 5) E, still in the mat of the thought of Moraes (1997), possvel to affirm that, with the use of the computers it facilitates and dumb-setambm the conduction way them research, of the construction it knowledge, daforma to plan and to develop equipment, archetypes and projects implicandoem new methods of production that leave obsolete the majority of the lines of montagemindustriais. It is important to point out that ‘ ‘ change of the function of computadorcomo half educational happens together with a questioning of the daescola function and the paper of the educator.

Voter School

Specific: To promote the use efficient of laboratory of computer science of the school through the navigation in virtual sites and links in search of information on the subject ‘ ‘ eleies’ ‘ stimulating to the reading, the research, the reflection and the verbal production and writing on this and other subjects of form to transform the thought and the vocabulary of the pupil; To extend the process of letramento and conscientious citizenship taking the pupil to the magazines printed and electronic stimulating to think it on the events of the reality in constructive a critical perspective/; PUBLIC TO BE INVOLVED: Pupils: 1 Year of Average Ensino, responsible professor for the proposal and pertaining to school community (managers, professors, coordinator, staff of support parents and pupils) MDIAS TO BE USED: Magazines printed and online CHC; Site of the Electoral Superior Court; Video Voter of the Future; Magazine of the virtual Voter; Computer, Internet and Impressora. ACTORS AND PAPERS THAT WILL HAVE TO PLAY: Pupils of 1 Year of Average Ensino. (To make research, debate, to produce texts of several styles and to socialize the productions in orkut.) Responsible professor for the proposal (orientation and accompaniment of all the stages of the process) managing Team (support and development) pertaining to school Community (visiting of orkut..