
Also it is possible to find in these pages web interaction with the social nets, as the Facebook, the same Twitter and with the Orkut, for who still uses this site of relationships. The sites alternative also present tips of as to unblock the devices of cellular and discovering the one that operator belongs any number. As to discard old mobile devices and batteries without use it is another information that these sites can offer. Additional information at ConocoPhillips supports this article. Nor all count on this gamma of tools, therefore each one possesss its differential. However, a characteristic is found in all they: the praticidade in sending messages of text for cellular. Some sites gratis offer only the service of SMS sending and on-line, exactly thus, web is sufficiently intuitivas pages, a time that any person can use it, being enough to have access its address in the Internet.

Who to prefer can still see some sites and later defining which the site best that goes to supply its necessities, not being necessary to use the first one that to appear listed in the hour to make a research in the buscador of Internet. Internautas can use some sites and take off advantage only of the part that more likes each one of them. Although some sites to request one register in cadastre so that internauta can initiate the sending of messages, the registration is, in general, sufficiently fast. In other occasions I only register in cadastre, it goes to be a requirement if the user to want to save contacts in the personalized agenda and to have the description of torpedoes sent saved in its login.

The Netbios

With relation the main advantages of the Netbios protocol RFC 1001 (1987) cites, that it does not need centered management, allows operations with the Internet and minimizes the active number of diffusion. In the first aspect, centered management, for if dealing with a used standard for the Micrososft nets the implemented Netbios already this and does not require no effort technician for its functioning. In if treating to allow to operations for the Internet the process alone ‘ must function with the one presence; ‘ gateway’ ‘ . The Netbios estimates that diffusion services are only supported by protocols UDP and therefore the justification of the use of the diffusion in consideration to the use protocol UDP that Kurose (2005, p 146) defines as a service that to provide the solicitant application a not trustworthy service, not guided for connection (it does not need to only establish, to manage and to close connections, having that to transmit given), that is, as she will not be necessary to confirmation of sending and act of receiving of packages in the net the traffic is reduced. For the sending and act of receiving of the data the Netbios defines a name for each resource in the net and for RFC 1001 (1987) it possesss some attributes, enters a name space. The name space only allows sixteen alphanumeric characters, being the last used character to identify to the resource or service the one that if the computer is relating.

It does not have to initiate with asterisk. It can represent one alone computer or a group of computers (the existence of names duplicates in the net disables the communication with the resource). An example of a NetBios resource is the component Sharing of archives and printer for Microsoft nets, in a computer that belongs the Windows family.

Applied Explicit

The idea is to monitor elements as regulating customers, competitors, suppliers, agencies, new products, new competitors etc. 3. The USE OF TECHNOLOGY OF the INFORMATION IN the MANAGEMENT OF the KNOWLEDGE Of a general form, for the knowledge and organizacional memory, is necessary that if it understands as the knowledge is organized, as much in business process as technician and who is the consuming products and of this knowledge. The disponibilizao of mechanisms of rescue of the knowledge, integrated in the business processes, and that they make possible to become it explicit are factor-key for the success, where this aims at to identify and to remove possible structural and psychological barriers that can hinder the exteriorizao of knowledge and the contribution between the people. For It hisses (2004), the information technology (YOU) does not contribute significantly for the tacit format of the knowledge, but it is basic for the combination of the explicit knowledge and a facilitador factor for the externalizao and the internalizao when the tacit format is in balance with the explicit format of the knowledge. Teixeira (2000) affirms that the paper of YOU for Management of the knowledge is related to the support to the construction of communication forms, to the conversation, the learning, the formation of work communities, to the estruturao of the individual experiences and the teams, to the facilitation of the access the ideas and solutions. Thus, the technological tools for the Management of the knowledge are classified in accordance with its vision of application: Applied to the storage of the knowledge – Knowledge Repository: tools directed toward the storage and management of the knowledge, being able to be detached as examples Data bases (SGBDs), Warehouses Date, tools OLAP and systems of Document Management. These technologies, for being closely related with the explicit knowledge, allow the organization to know that type of knowledge possesss and where if locates, remaining to manage it, to integrate it and to organize it of form it to be able to take off the biggest advantage of its extration.

Internet Access

CONCLUSION the Technologies of the Information and Communication (TIC? s) impacts in all alavancam the transformations provoking the sectors, affecting the society and the citizens compose who it. We live in a society shaped for the technologies, based in the information and the knowledge. The globalization implies in bigger requirements of market and a bigger level of competitiveness, demanding of the professionals a continued qualification. In our daily one in them we use each time more than practical the computational ones for generation, transference, access and use of the information, this complex dynamics can facilitate or hinder the development of the citizenship. The Internet, as half democratic of communication it possesss characteristics that can be explored as elements facilitadores in development of the citizenship providing chance of access to the education, slight knowledge on integration, contribution and permanent learning with the proper society. REFERENCES ALMEIDA, M.E.B.

Forming professors to act in virtual environments of learning. In: Almeida, Fernando (organizador). Education in the distance: formation of professors in virtual and colaborativos environments of learning. So Paulo: MCT/PUC SP, 2001. CASTELLS, Manuel.

The Society in Net – the age of the information: Economy, society and culture. So Paulo: Peace and Land, 2000. FREIRE, Pablo. Pedagogia of the Oppressed one. 9 ed., Rio De Janeiro. Publishing company Peace and Land. 1981, p.79 IANNI, Octavio. Theories of the globalization. 3. ed. River January: Brazilian civilization, 1996. LVY P. Cibercultura. So Paulo /SP: Ed. 34, 1999. MARTELETO, Regina M. Knowledge and Society: estimated of the anthropology of the information. In: AQUINO, M. The field of the science of the information: gnese, connections and especificidades. Joo Person: University publishing company UFPB, 2002. p.101-115. PRESS, Center of Abilities TIC of the University of vora, Portugal, available in: . Had access in: 25 of May of 2011. IT HISSES, S. Blog as educational resource in web 2.0. In: Iluminart magazine, v.1, n.3, December of 2009. Available in:. Had access in: 26 of May of 2011. STAHL, G., KOSCHMANN, T., & SUTHERS, D. (2006).

KIDNEY Blackberry

A good example is iPhone, that projecto of the device properly said was developed almost that entirely by Apple, including in such a way ( the hardware) how much the operative system (software) and the tools that allow the development of applications. Relatively to the PCs, the centralization of the SmartPhones restricts the possibility of installation of new programs and applications. Becoming more limited its use. Some exceptions exist, as in the case of the StyleTap. For example: one smartphone based in the S60, restricts us it the definitive applications of this device; when buying one with Windows Mobile, he is restricted to the applicatory ones of Windows Mobile. This set of factors makes with that operative system and software is two crucial factors in the hour to choose one smartphone; in many more important cases until the resources of the hardware of the device. Currently the main existing operational systems are, study made for the World-wide Statistics (Source: ) of 1 Semester of 2009:1 – Symbian: 47,9% 2 – KIDNEY Blackberry: 19,8% 3 – Windows Mobile: 14,2% 4 – iPhoneOS: 11,6% 5 – Linux: 5,5% 6 – Others: evolution of smartphones, the devices had started to incorporate more functions.

What it is expressed a bigger electric consumption. This means that to manufacture compact devices with a good autonomy if each more difficult time became a task. (Source: ) One smartphone with an Read-Ion battery of 860 mAh approximately supplies of 3 watts/energy hour (that it corresponds what one notebook medium consumes in only 5 minutes) to carry through all its functions until the next recharge. To calculate the total of energy stored for the battery, it multiplies the tension (in volts) for the amperage (in mAh). A battery of 850mAh and 3.7V, for example, stores a 3.219 total of milliwatts/hour, energy that corresponds what a device with 3,219 consumption of watts would consume in one hour.

Industrial Revolution

Soon a great commercial interest for the net appeared and was there then that its great expansion happened. Currently the Internet is a set with more than 40 a thousand nets and respecting the original conception a central point does not exist, that is, a center of command of the Internet. Today the Internet is considered by many theoreticians of the communication, or a so more important phenomenon for the humanity how much to the Industrial Revolution. Today one becomes possible to affirm that the Internet became the lesser world. According to last research on e-commerce, the commercial success of the net she demonstrates that some companies already possess representative sales through its Websites. 1.3.3PRINCIPAIS SERVICES OF the INTERNET the Internet possesss some services for its users, who can simultaneously be used.

The site: it detaches the following ones: WWW? graphical environment? E-mail? it sends of messages and archives? Newsgroup? or groups of discurso? Chat? it beats papos? Electronic commerce 1.3.4ESTATISTICAS AND NUMBERS Statistics is a study that it aims at to identify select groups, carrying through one analyzes complete on one ‘ ‘ atmosfera’ ‘ desired. According to IBGE, is an occurrence of an event, that can be defined a priori, in one determined joint one. For a bigger demonstration of the numbers on the Internet, to follow the 1.4 will be displayed some data in Tables of 1.1. Table 1.1?

Races Time

The federalisation of Buenos Aires, obtained with a high quota of violence in 1880, it marked the reinforcement of a tendency that it looked for to shape that one ideological line of manchesteriano liberalism, the French revolution and the North American emancipation. All this took to a masnica stamp and the consequent permanent conflict with the catholicism. This line formalized intellectually by Sarmiento and Alberdi, directly tried a substitution of the past generated by the Indian right, and the promise of Galilea, although they did not cheer up with the language of Cervantes. The attempt was very serious, and that substitution, that today would be described with slants of ethnic cleaning, postulated to replace the gauchos by Anglo-Saxons or German. I complete Vine shoot, he was very explicit, and he said in his Conflict and harmony of Races in America, of 1883: We are the United States.

More instead of teutnicos or Scandinavian Anglo-Saxon immigrants, another important migratory flow came. In its majority they came from countries expelled that them to constitute sectors, excluded from the processes from formation of the respective states – nations. Thus they appeared: the Gallegos; Basoues; Valencian, Asturian, Catalan; Neapolitan; privateerings; occitanos; Sardinian; Jews originating of Russia and Poland, Syrians and other originating ones of the Ottoman Empire, as well as of originating countries of the Austrohungarian Empire. Although this migratory alluvium was at the time described like crucible as races, it is done to us that it did not infer itself at the time, the quota of cultural pluralism that it implied. The sector that seized of the powers public, particularly as of 1880, led the task of of nationalizing, to the descendants of that powerful migratory current, which by a long time, made neglect the existing racially mixed population, particularly majority, outside hinterland of Humid Pampas. Not without the usual manifestations of violence, that group that held the formal public and deprived powers, recognized the men who inhabited the provinces (not to which they inhabited then the nine territories nationals) the right of secret and obligatory vote, because until then the political regime he legitimized myself by elections where the vote was public and voluntary.

The Process

What already aid very. It also fits to the professional of the education to look for to perfect itself acquiring, at least the basic knowledge of computer science. The importance of the use of computer science in the education already is unquestioned. Since the computer ally the Internet is the girl of adolescent the young eyes of our e. However, we need to be intent to this information, therefore the majority of this young adolescent looks the Internet with only one objective, sites of relationship.

Orkut and MSN are looked. It is not that they must be discarded. Today already some metodolgicas possibilities exist to work, for example, with the Orkut in the perspective of if reaching some educational objectives. But this must be an activity very planned, attended well and with specific objectives. The use of the computer/Internet provides different types of education boardings that can be carried through through innumerable developed programs to assist the process teach-learning. We can detach among them, the games, the simulators, blogs, emails, wikis, chats, among others. Beyond these they exist innumerable softwares free that easily they are found in the Internet and that they are of great utility in the development of educative activities.

As example, I cite the Hagqu, that is a program for creation of histories in quadrinhos that the garotada one adores. Programs and tips for the use of computer science in the education could be hours elencando, but at the moment I go to abide the possible advantages of the use of computer science in the school. I say possible because it fits to each pertaining to school community to create its proper environment and of it to extract its advantages. A first advantage that I see is the provocation of changes in the pertaining to school education. As already it said, the school has that if to adjust to the technological reality contrary case, it will fall in a decay in an inversely proportional direction to the technological advance.

Academic Works

The schools they will take umtempo to make the adequacy of these new technologies. With new tantalinguagem, a certain unreliability is common. Still it finds-semuita resistance, mainly on the part of the professors, cujagerao not ‘ ‘ plugada’ was born; ‘. Many exactly arrive desistirescondendo itself behind traditional ‘ ‘ cuspe and giz’ ‘. It is important umacapacitao of the faculty so that the fears, the unreliability eoutros factors do not hinder to fulfill them its mission of educator. However, this does not come happening. It is common public eminstituies, closed laboratories of computer science porfalta of qualification pedagogical technique and. What it could be umaliado turns field conflicts and, the machines are abandoned.

The figure of alunotambm suffers modification. It dominates the technology better and to podeser a partner of the professor in the exchanges of experiences. Over all, many times, this pupil can present itself arrogant and presumptuous. Professors and queas pupils must join themselves to take off optimum advantage TIC can to offer. Aoprofessor fits the aid in the analysis and synthesis of the information; aconfrontao between the materials (it has products multimedia that we pedagogically sopssimos and others that are excellent, but malaproveitados); to alert on the credibility of the consultation sources, among others. It leaves of being umtransmissor to know and becomes a mediator and facilitador daaprendizagem. Already of the pupil, bigger responsibility in ‘ expects; ‘ aprender’ ‘.

To prevent situaesonde is considered that, from the moment where if it knows umamquina can be transformed it into pedagogical tool and everything que produced by the technology generates original products very, prudente. What verdadeiramente important it is to use to advantage the TIC to awake ogosto and the pleasure to learn. 3. Conclusion Is certain that the TICpodem to be allied if we want a democratic education and decisivana construction of the citizenship. In these questions, oprofessor appears as focus, therefore its generation is not toacostumada with the new technologies. It needs well to be trained ecapacitado, in case that contrary, is discouraged and feels itself impotent. Overwhelming, he finishes not giving to account it its paper, already tosobrecarregado for external factors: extenuante hours of working, low wage, violence (Brazilian reality). With umarevitalizao of the faculty and renewed credibility nasociedade, the professor can be one ‘ ‘ spring mestra’ ‘ of the novastecnologias the service of the education. These, undeniably vierampara to enrich and to cheer academic environments. But we do not nosesqueamos of Brazil and its deep inaqualities. This still para few (for how much time). 4. RefernciasBibliogrficas KAWAMURA, L. New technologies and education. So Paulo: It stokes, 1990. IT HISSES, Jose Maria of, SILVEIRA, Emerson Sena.Apresentaode Academic Works.


One expects that the users can usufruct of roaming global between different nets 3G. 4.4 Fourth Generation of Mobile Systems With forecast for 2010 the implementation of the mobile technology of 4 Generation. The fourth generation is in development phase, such technology promises the communication in voice, video and data in an impossible scale so far. The technology 4G will allow that proprietors of Mobile devices make use of services that only on personal computers the nets of high speed. The operators tend, to increase the speed of its nets without wire to be able to offer video, images, Internet and other services.

The rapidity is the characteristic of this new generation, being a technology that goes to be able to transfer given the 100 megabits for second while the user is in movement and the 1 gigabit for second when he is stopped. 5 CONCLUSION In transcorrer of this work, when examining the evolution of the mobile services, we notice that the use of the cellular device is each looked time more which had the trend of implementation of new generations. The users of the mobile telephony, more are not made use to use simple devices, want to use devices with innumerable functionalities, such as: SMS; MMS; Games in JAVA; To edit and to visualize documents; To use the navigation systems (GPS); To have access e-mails and nets wi-fi beyond other services. These new applications represent the key for the growth of the yield for the operators, therefore, these tend to more invest each time in new technologies. They had been boarded important concepts on cells, terminal, station of radio base, central office of commutation and control, beyond a evolutivo historical briefing of the cellular devices until arriving in the main subject of this work that to distinguish the technologies from mobile telephony. REFERENCES FERRARI, Antonio Martins.Telecomunicaes Evolution and Revolution.