There is a would be an unspoken rule: no need of asking for help, the team he comes to his aid. Many writers such as Julie Sweet offer more in-depth analysis. It is manifested in the mutual best features of the Russian people. Vsevidenie, vzaimonablyudenie each other – another trait Russian groups, the effect of which is constant and pervasive. Vsevidenie creates in individuals a sense that "the society can not hide anything." Vzaimoobschenie – preventive control principle "be like everyone else." It is in communion a man reveals himself. Constant communication and constant openness – a characteristic feature of Russian teams. Therefore, even at work socializing, "tea party", "smoking" often prevails over the matter. Communication – the mechanism which makes the Russian people always open, "transparent" for the team. A special form of communication is mandatory meal with a drink.
That drunk man becomes very open to others ("What a sober man's mind, that a drunken man in a language"). Refusal to participate in a joint drink – a sign of closeness of the individual manifestation of the "no respect for society." Summing up the above, the following conclusion: in the West, forcing the norm in Russia – team. The specificity of Western society, in contrast to Russian is due: First, the "rationality"; Second, a fixed (usually written) "norm", involving the accurate fixation of the rules "game." Indicator Western development – independence. In Russian society acts opposite – "dependency." Dependence on the team, the dependence on the principle of "be like everyone else." Features motivation in Russia. So, for the West – "Whether an individual, but you should set unambiguous rules." To Russia – "Be all and follow the leader." Leader in this case refers to as an individual, personified in himself the principle of "be like everyone else".