Effectiveness of any company depends on mutual understanding between employees and their ability to jointly solve tasks, a sense of ownership of the mission of the company. Oddly enough, the task of turning disparate group of concerted action mechanism, the command associated together by a common vision and values, can solve a common, corporate holidays. It is a corporate holiday provides a unique opportunity for members large group to meet in an informal setting, get to know each other, and even demonstrate personal qualities in unusual and sometimes extreme conditions. In Russia, a strong tradition of collaborative, collective celebrations. Organisation of corporate events, festivals – a good opportunity for the company's management to bring the interim results of operations and identify future goals, Awards honors employees. However, regardless of where the corporate holiday – in the walls of a home company, a restaurant, a holiday home or aboard – a problem the organizers not to allow the celebration of their course, not turn it into a banal meal. As a rule, these agencies have successfully addressed corporate events, which have a full range of services for corporate vacations, and various holidays.
In their competence is the development scenario of corporate holiday preparations entertainment with spectacular fireworks, art rooms, catering, manufacturing souvenir production, transport and maintenance. However, in companies with high levels of corporate culture is gradually give up on the grand party for the team in favor of sports and activities Teambuilding, preferring a combination of entertainment, recreation with the formation of the corporate spirit. Kinds of active corporate teambuilding recreational Training (team building) are now leaders and the popularity and prestige among the kinds of active corporate outdoor recreation. Psychological basis of the training is that torn from a familiar environment, people rarely returned to stereotypes behavior, thinking prevailing in it. In an atmosphere that is created during an active corporate leisure, there is a need to act differently, a person learns not only to do, but also to perceive, analyze the situation in new ways. Emotional lift, superimposed on the need to work together, provides a new principle of operation – as a team, a prerequisite for confidence in the team members in working conditions.
Forms teambuilding trainings – all kinds, it can be rope course, and role-playing game, and the like gay starts, and overcoming obstacle. To perform the job does not require special physical training, team building training can attend any healthy person. Team building training can be organized using different equipment, such as using off-road technology in complex terrain conditions. Wrestle, crews are working jeeps with navigation equipment and radio communication, solve technical problems on the organization of the crossings on the cars. Excellent tool for maintenance of the corporate spirit is sports, especially team types, such as football and bowling. Many companies have their own team and actively participate in tournaments with teams of competitors and partners. Here, as in all professional sport: the competition team come with their own support groups, which include employees of the company. Another variant of the active corporate holiday on the verge of sports – paintball. Paintball graft skills to solve problems of command, and 'provoking' staff to take non-standard solutions in a short time, helped to identify a team leader. Corporate holiday – an indicator of prestige Ownership corporate values are born to communicate, it grows in joint matters, so those companies where the organization of corporate events, corporate holidays is a tradition, more successful and promising, and have positive image in the eyes of both partners and competitors.